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16 December 2011

NBN Co invites expressions of interest for multicast trial

NBN Co would like to invite service provider customers to register their interest in testing the Multicast feature in one of five capital city 'Sandpit' environments from December 2011.
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14 December 2011

NBN Co selects Visionstream Australia to support transit network build

NBN Co has awarded networking service provider Visionstream Australia a contract worth up to $19 million to build the first stage of NBN Co's transit network following a thorough tender process. The transit network comprises rings of backbone fibre-optic cables that will connect NBN Co's central hub to the modern equivalent of telephone exchanges
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05 December 2011

NBN key wholesale prices frozen for five years

NBN Co is committing to keeping its wholesale prices for key products fixed for the next five years, and to limit later increases to less than inflation, aiming to ensure real wholesale price reductions over time.
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30 November 2011

NBN Co releases contract to provide price and access certainty

NBN Co today published the final executable version of its contract with telephone and internet companies following extensive industry consultation.
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28 November 2011

Devonport first stop of National NBN Co 'Truck' Tour

Residents in townships from Devonport to Deloraine and Georgetown to Triabunna will be the first in Australia to get 'hands on' with the National Broadband Network (NBN) and the benefits it can deliver to their homes and businesses as the NBN Co Demonstration Truck starts its journey in Tasmania this week.
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25 November 2011

NBN Co unveils key operations and demonstration facilities

NBN Co today opened its $32.5m operations centre in Melbourne's Docklands.
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21 November 2011

NBN Co appoints Chief Operating Officer

NBN Co today announced the appointment of senior telecommunications executive Ralph Steffens as its first Chief Operating Officer.
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15 November 2011

Equipment contracts awarded to companies with strong local presence

NBN Co today announced contracts worth up to $635 million over the next five years to six companies operating in Australia to provide an array of equipment for installation in homes and businesses as part of an NBN connection.
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14 November 2011

NBN South Australia and Northern Territory construction contracts sign

NBN Co today announced that Syntheo, a joint venture between Lend Lease Group and telecommunications and utilities builder and manager Service Stream, has secured the contract to build the National Broadband Network in South Australia and the Northern Territory.
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08 November 2011

NBN Co to offer new services to ISPs tailored to small businesses

NBN Co announced it intends to offer telcos and internet service providers new high speed wholesale broadband services which can be tailored to the specific needs of the Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) and small business market.
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18 October 2011

NBN Co releases 12-month national rollout plan

Work has begun on the rollout of the National Broadband Network in areas that are expected to cover more than half a million homes and businesses across Australia when complete.
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30 September 2011

A new era of broadband service begins in first sites as trial ends

Many of the 14,000 residents and business owners whose properties have been passed by the fibre network in the five mainland First Release Sites will be able to order a service provided over the NBN from participating telephone or internet service providers, following the conclusion of the NBN trial.
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16 September 2011

National Broadband Network goes live in Willunga

Residents in the rural town of Willunga, about 47 kilometres south of Adelaide, are set to be the next to experience superfast* broadband through the National Broadband Network (NBN),as the first fibre-based site in South Australia is launched today.
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07 September 2011

First new broad-acre development connected to the NBN

Today the Minister for Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy and NBN Co Chief Executive Mike Quigley announced the first new broad-acre development to be connected to the National Broadband Network (NBN).
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07 September 2011

Mike Quigley addresses ACCAN

CEO of NBN Co, Mike Quigley addresses the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) in Sydney on 7 September, entitled “Our broadband future”.
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06 September 2011

"NBN fibre rollout to begin in WA, Vic as construction contracts signed"

The rollout of the National Broadband Network is shortly to begin in earnest in Western Australia and Victoria after NBN Co today signed two separate agreements with major national construction companies.
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01 September 2011

Queensland connected to the National Broadband Network

Residents in the North Queensland city of Townsville are the latest to gain access to high speed broadband delivered via fibre over the National Broadband Network (NBN).
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01 September 2011

Townsville based internet providers join the NBN

The North Queensland city of Townsville officially begins experiencing superfast* broadband through NBN Co's fibre optic network today. Several local internet service providers are already connected and providing services to their retail customers via the network as part of the National Broadband Network (NBN) trial.
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12 August 2011

NBN to deliver quality video and interactivity to consumers

NBN Co today released more detail on the product feature that is designed to enable retail service providers to deliver high-quality, high-definition video channels over the fibre network.
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09 August 2011

NBN vital to satisfy forecast explosion in Australian internet traffic

A new report forecasting an almost six-fold increase in internet traffic in Australia by 2015 highlights the need for the National Broadband Network, NBN Co said today.
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09 August 2011

NBN Co makes it cheaper for service providers to start up on the NBN

NBN Co is making it cheaper and easier for broadband service providers to start offering services to consumers and businesses over the National Broadband Network by providing a rebate on capacity charges in the early days of the network's establishment.
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04 August 2011

National Broadband Network goes live in Melbourne

The National Broadband Network came to Melbourne this morning with the inner city suburb of Brunswick becoming the first metropolitan area in Australia to receive superfast* fibre-based broadband.
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03 August 2011

First communities for NBN fixed wireless service unveiled

Communities in five states and territories are set to become the first in the country to receive the National Broadband Network via NBN Co's high-speed fixed wireless service. The first to receive the service will be homes, businesses and institutions in the less densely populated rural and regional communities that surround Geraldton (WA), Toowoomba (Qld), Tamworth (NSW), Ballarat (Vic) and Darwin (NT).
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03 August 2011

"Start dates announced for NBN Second Release sites in NSW, Qld, ACT"

NBN Co today announced the dates that preliminary site works are scheduled to start in the Second Release Sites of the national broadband network in New South Wales, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory.
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01 August 2011

NBN Co welcomes Telstra submission of Structural Separation with ACCC

NBN Co, the company rolling out Australia's National Broadband Network, today welcomed the submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) by Telstra of its Structural Separation Undertaking (SSU) and Draft Migration Plan.
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29 July 2011

Kiama Downs and Minnamurra ready to join NBN

New Era of Healthcare Showcased as NBN Switches on in Coastal NSW. Residents in the neighbouring areas of Kiama Downs and Minnamurra, south of Sydney, are set to be the next to experience superfast* fibre broadband through the National Broadband Network (NBN) as the first mainland coastal sites go live today.
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28 July 2011

NBN Co offers clarity and transparency on pricing

NBN Co today released two key documents designed to give its customers - the retail and wholesale service providers - greater clarity and certainty in relation to its commercial terms and its future approach to pricing and costs.
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28 July 2011

Hacks and hacking

NBN Co today hit out at misleading reporting in relation to an alleged hacking incident. The company was responding to a raft of provocative headlines over the past 24 hours such as “NBN hacking scandal” (Sky News), “Self-taught hacker charged over NBN attack” (ABC), “NBN hack charges” (Daily Telegraph, Sydney), “Police arrest lone hacker after NBN system compromised” (Sydney Morning Herald) and “More arrests to come over NBN hacking” (The Australian).
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13 July 2011

Spectrum win brings wireless broadband to rural areas

Rural and regional communities in more places across Australia are now a step closer to getting access to high-speed wireless broadband services - some expected in less than a year - following NBN Co's success in securing more radio spectrum today.
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06 July 2011

NBN to open up regional employment opportunities

NBN Co today announced it is seeking expressions of interest from registered training providers equipped to skill the workers who will build the National Broadband Network.
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01 July 2011

NBN Co launches Interim Satellite Service for remote Australians

The first commercial services offered over the National Broadband Network become available from today via NBN Co's Interim Satellite Service.
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23 June 2011

NBN Co uses advanced maths to optimise network design reduce costs

NBN Co, the company set up to design, build and operate Australia's national wholesale-only, high-speed broadband network, has awarded a contract to Biarri, a commercial mathematics company, to supply network design optimisation software to support development of efficient, lower cost network construction plans.
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23 June 2011

NBN Co and Telstra Sign Binding Definitive Agreements

Transaction Enables More Efficient Rollout of the National Broadband Network for All Australians. Milestone agreements enable NBN Co to roll out the National Broadband Network more efficiently, with greater certainty over its cost base and with reduced disruption to the community.
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23 June 2011

NBN Co and Optus Sign Binding Agreement

Optus agrees to migrate progressively HFC customers to the National Broadband Network as the NBN is rolled out.
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22 June 2011

Getting the best from the NBN

The Australian Local Government Association and NBN Co today launched a guide to help councils prepare for the rollout of the NBN and maximise the benefits of their early dealings with NBN Co.
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17 June 2011

NBN Co not charging residents for cable-laying in First Release Sites

NBN Co today labelled as incorrect the suggestion that householders in the Kiama Downs First Release site who "don't sign up with an internet provider before the trial concludes" could be charged part of the cost of laying cable to their homes.
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07 June 2011

The governance of NBN Co

On Tuesday 7 June 2011, Harrison Young, Chairman of NBN Co addressed the Australian Institute of Company Directors at a luncheon in Melbourne.
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01 June 2011

NBN Co & Silcar reach agreement to deliver value-for-money fibre rollout

NBN Co and Silcar Pty Ltd today struck an agreement which enables NBN Co to prepare for the first large-scale deployment of optic fibre for the National Broadband Network.
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01 June 2011

NBN Co selects fixed wireless network partner for mid-2012 service start

NBN Co today announced that it plans to complete the rollout of its superfast fixed-wireless broadband network covering Australians in rural and regional areas by 2015, with the first services to be available from the middle of next year.
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26 May 2011

NBN Co releases Interim Satellite eligibility criteria

NBN Co today released more detailed eligibility criteria for potential rural and remote users of its Interim Satellite Service, confirming that, where high demand exists, first priority will be given to those people who have no access to alternate broadband services, subject to a service qualification process.
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25 May 2011

Superfast fibre experiment underlines importance of NBN

NBN Co today welcomed the news that researchers in Germany have broken the world record for the fastest data transfer speed over a single fibre optic cable.
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20 May 2011

NBN Co announces recruitment services suppliers

NBN Co today announced the outcome of a tender process for the selection of a panel of recruitment services providers. For further information please download the release.
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18 May 2011

National Broadband Network goes live on mainland Australia

The city of Armidale in rural New South Wales today celebrated becoming the first centre in mainland Australia to receive the National Broadband Network.
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13 May 2011

NBN Co selects Fujitsu Australia as New Developments deployment partner

NBN Co has appointed Fujitsu Australia Limited as its prime alliance partner to deliver fibre infrastructure to New Developments.
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06 May 2011

First Release of NBN Co's B2B Specification

NBN Co has published an update to the B2B industry interface specifications released in January 2011 based on the feedback we have received. NBN Co would like to thank all respondents for their views which have been invaluable in informing our thinking. These specifications are now at first release.
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06 May 2011

Remote Australians the priority for new NBN Interim Satellite Service

People in homes, small businesses and indigenous communities in some of the most remote areas of Australia will be among the first users of a new a high-speed broadband satellite service provided over the National Broadband Network.
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28 April 2011

Construction to start on NBN in next seven Tasmanian locations

NBN Co today released the fibre maps for construction of the national broadband network in the next seven towns in Tasmania - Deloraine, Kingston Beach, George Town, Sorell, South Hobart, St Helens and Triabunna.
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15 April 2011

National Broadband Network - Information Pack

As the National Broadband Network progresses, detail about the project is requested by councils, residents and businesses. This information pack outlines general information about the National Broadband Network including skills and training, local government planning as well as construction.
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14 April 2011

Preparing for the NBN & NBN User Guide

NBN Co has prepared information for home and business owners regarding connection to the NBN when the rollout occurs in their area. This includes what the installation equipment looks like, how we plan to install, and tips for maintaining the service equipment. We plan to work with retail service providers, who will be the primary contact for end-users, to provide more information as the network is built.
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08 April 2011

NBN Co announces first service providers for mainland Australia

NBN Co is on track for the September commencement of commercial super-fast broadband services with the signing of the first retail service providers to connect to the new network for trials on mainland Australia.
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01 April 2011

NBN Co looks for greater value from construction tender

NBN Co has indefinitely suspended its network construction tender after construction companies were unable to provide acceptable terms and prices following four rounds of pricing negotiations.
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29 March 2011

NBN Co selects prime systems integrator to support wholesale business

NBN Co has appointed IBM as the prime systems integrator of its operational and business support systems. Using these systems, retail service providers (RSPs) will be able to order new services, report faults or perform service qualification checks via business-to-business interfaces and/or portals designed to allow transparent and flexible management of their own services on the national broadband network.
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29 March 2011

Presentation to Commsday Summit

Today Mike Quigley addressed the Commsday Summit in Sydney with an update on the National Broadband Network.
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24 March 2011

NBN Co awards passive optical contract to TE Connectivity

NBN Co has selected TE Connectivity (formerly Tyco Electronics) to supply network connectivity products for its high-speed broadband rollout with a contract worth approximately $400 million over five years. The initial purchase commitment is for $100 million.
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22 March 2011

Address to the Melbourne Press Club

In his address to the Melbourne Press Club, NBN Co CEO Mike Quigley outlined the status of the NBN project, responded to some misconceptions and confusion about the NBN, and said that the company would be undertaking a public information and education campaign to improve understanding of the project as the rollout progressed.
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18 March 2011

NBN Co responds to Telstra deal announcement

NBN Co today confirmed that negotiations with Telstra on the definitive agreement are progressing well and that both sides are working through the complex detail of the final negotiation and documentation process.
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10 March 2011

Presentation to the National ICT Forum

Today Mike Quigley presents to the National ICT Forum in Melbourne with an update on the NBN, citing case studies in small business, as well as research in social learning, neuroscience and agriculture.
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10 March 2011

"Global prize for Townsville points way to smarter cities, says NBN"

NBN Co Limited, the company building Australia's National Broadband Network, today welcomed the announcement that Townsville has been selected as one of 24 cities worldwide to be awarded a grant to use technology to make the city smarter and more liveable.
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23 February 2011

Presentation to the Broadband and Beyond Conference

On 23 February 2011, Mike Quigley presented an update on the NBN rollout to the delegates at Communications Alliance Broadband and Beyond conference.
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17 February 2011

NBN Co acquires AUSTAR spectrum for rural and regional network

AUSTAR and NBN Co today announced they have entered into an agreement which sees NBN Co acquire AUSTAR's 2.3 GHz and 3.4 GHz spectrum holdings, enabling NBN Co to roll out a high-speed fixed-wireless service to rural and regional areas.
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11 February 2011

Queensland data centre selected to host NBN Co software systems

NBN Co, the company set up by the Federal Government to design, build and operate Australia's wholesale-only, high-speed broadband network, today announced it had contracted Polaris Data Centre in Queensland to host its second data centre.
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04 February 2011

NBN Fibre Optic Broadband Deployment In Townsville

Contractors for NBN Co Limited have undertaken a preliminary assessment of the Townsville first release site in order to assess how the design has stood up to extreme cyclonic weather conditions.
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31 January 2011

NBN Co appoints General Manager Marketing

NBN Co, the company responsible for the design, construction and operation of the national broadband network, has appointed former Hitachi marketing executive, Tim Smith, to the role of General Manager Marketing.
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28 January 2011

Release of NBN Co's Draft B2B specifications

NBN Co has released draft B2B industry integration specifications, developed in alignment with the Communications Alliance B2B Interactions Process Requirements Specification.
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17 January 2011

NBN Co awards equipment contracts to Australian located employers

NBN Co has awarded three equipment contracts worth over $1.6 billion to Australian located companies to supply passive network infrastructure to build the national broadband network during the next 5 years. Victorian fibre optic equipment manufacturer, Warren & Brown Technologies has been awarded an equipment contract worth up to $110 million over five years to provide optical distribution frames and sub-racks that will connect NBN Co's equipment to external cabling. NBN Co has also awarded a contract for multiple types of equipment worth up to $1.2 billion over five years to Corning, a world leader in the manufacture of fibre optic cabling. NBN Co will work with Corning who will enhance their Australia-based manufacture and assembly capacity to meet the needs of the NBN rollout. NBN Co awarded a third equipment contract worth $300 million over five years to Prysmian, a global manufacturer of telecommunications cabling with manufacturing facilities in Dee Why and Liverpool, NSW.
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14 January 2011

"NBN Co appoints General Manager, External Communications"

NBN Co, the company established to build and operate the National Broadband Network, today announced the appointment of Andrew Sholl as General Manager, External Communications.
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07 January 2011

NBN Co hits the ground running in new developments

NBN Co, the company established to build and operate the National Broadband Network, today reminded Australia's development industry of new arrangements to provide fibre broadband infrastructure in new estates. Starting from 1 January 2011, developers of all broadacre developments and infill developments of 100 premises or more released over a three year period can apply to have fibre infrastructure installed by NBN Co.
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