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nbn observes the caretaker conventions related to the upcoming Federal Election. During the Caretaker Period, nbn will apply these conventions while continuing business-as-usual operations of the company.

As a result of high traffic to the website, some services on our website are not currently working as expected. We’re working to resolve this as quickly as possible, and apologise for the inconvenience.

nbn® Smart Places

Full fibre at eligible non-premises locations

nbn Smart Places enables the extension of nbn full fibre to eligible* non-premises locations that require broadband connectivity. This includes applications like high-definition CCTV, wireless charging on smart benches, public Wi-Fi, smart bins that send out notifications when they need emptying and more. When designing masterplan communities and smart cities of the future, these non-premises locations help to create truly connected places.

Benefits for developers

Custom-built for the outdoors 

nbn Smart Places enables connectivity to existing and emerging applications in outdoor locations including public Wi-Fi, Smart Poles, EV Charging Stations, high-definition CCTV and transport infrastructure.

Full fibre reliability

The use of nbn full fibre enables high bandwidth and low latency connectivity to internet providers across Australia. This is backed by 99.96% average network availability^.

Lead the charge

nbn Smart Places provides a positive step forward for developers looking to achieve and elevate their “Smart Places” status. By setting your sights on the future, your actions can help improve social, economic and environmental outcomes for the places in which we live, work, play and trade.

Powering communities with

nbn Smart Places

Discover how developer, Peet Limited, is transforming local communities through the innovation and sustainability offered by nbn Smart Places. Play the Build with nbn: nbn® Smart Places, Brabham Estate Case Study video (duration 3:35) to learn more.

How to apply and get started

List item 1.

Plan early. We recommend planning ahead by a minimum of six months.

List item 2.

Check the eligibility* of your development when applying online with nbn through our New Development Application Form.

List item 3.

Ensure your relevant sites meet approved pit, pipe, and pathway design requirements.

List item 4.

Prepare for build and certification. nbn inspects proposed sites to declare it fit for purpose, which involves issuing a Certificate of Practical Completion.

List item 5.

Get installation ready. nbn will proceed to schedule and install the fibre network.

List item 6.

Asset owners/end customers will then be ready to connect to an nbn-powered plan through their preferred provider.

Your source for learning more

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Your Guide to nbn Smart Places

Learn more about nbn Smart Places product information, pricing and technical descriptions.

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Activating nbn Smart Places

This detailed connection guide provides the important information you need to install and activate nbn Smart Places.

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Report: The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT)

nbn commissioned research by the International Data Corporation (IDC), publishing a whitepaper detailing the growing interest and adoption of IoT thinking. This report shines a light on creating smarter, future-proofed communities and how nbn is well positioned to help meet deman in the non-premises access market.

Download (PDF - 986 KB)

icon design support tools

Work with an nbn® trained New Developments supplier

We encourage developers (big and small) to seek the assistance and support of an industry professional or an nbn trained New Developments supplier - designer or installer. As it’s your responsibility to ensure the design and build of the nbn® infrastructure within your property boundary meets our standards, the assistance of an expert can be extremely helpful.


*nbn takes reasonable care and skill to ensure the end customer's ability to connect to the nbn network after pre-installation of the nbn connection box but cannot guarantee uninterrupted service or immediate connectivity in all situations. Further visits from an nbn certified technician may be required. The end customer should contact their provider for assistance with any connectivity issues and additional equipment that may be required.

^Network availability is defined as the percentage of time the nbn network is available and operating. For this measure, the network is considered ‘unavailable’ during the time nbn is restoring services following the raising of a fault. It does not include periods where the network is unavailable due to operational outages for matters such as network upgrades and improvements or events beyond nbn’s control. This metric has been rounded to the nearest two decimal places.