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Testing arrangements

From time to time, nbn® invites its customers to participate in the testing of services

Test Agreement

The Test Agreement consists of Standard Test Terms and a series of terms specific to a particular testing program (Test Descriptions). Test Descriptions are issued by nbn from time to time to test participants that have agreed to take part in particular testing activities.

Where testing activities involve the supply of eligible services, the Test Agreement forms a standard form of access agreement for the purposes of Part XIC of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.

Standard test terms

Standard Test Terms

Terms governing each testing activity, to the extent not varied by a particular Test Description
Download (PDF - 571 KB)

Test descriptions

Satellite Mobility (LCPA) 10G M-NNI Trial

Additional terms governing the Satellite Mobility (LCPA) 10G M-NNI Trial

Download (PDF - 277 KB)

Residential Speed Increases Trial

Additional terms governing the Residential Speed Increases Trial

Download (PDF - 392 KB)

Last updated: 5 September 2024