nbn observes the caretaker conventions related to the upcoming Federal Election. During the Caretaker Period, nbn will apply these conventions while continuing business-as-usual operations of the company.
We have made several attempts to initiate the process of establishing an nbn network connection to your building, however we have been unsuccessful in our engagement with the building’s authorised representative. Consequently, nbn does not currently plan to install a network connection to your building, unless we receive a request from the Owners’ Corporation.
If you currently use existing fixed line phone or internet services there are a number of implications to be aware of:
However, if your phone and internet services are already provided via another fibre network, they will continue to operate as normal unless your provider advises otherwise.
nbn strongly recommends that you contact your current provider of phone and internet services, or visit www.nbn.com.au/switchoff for more information about whether your services will be impacted by the rollout of the nbn network.#
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you decide to request an installation in the future.
*Please ask your Owners Corporation to contact the lift and alarm service providers for your building. This will help minimise a break in service when the existing network is switched off. Existing fire and lift services registered with nbn may be exempt from immediate disconnection. Please visit www.nbn.com.au/fireandlift for information on registering these services.
^nbn is developing a list of networks that nbn reasonably understands will continue to operate after the nbn rollout has been completed based on information provided by alternative network owners/operators. For more information, please visit www.nbn.com.au/switchoff or contact us.
Construction of the nbn® network has started in your area
nbn’s New Developments team are continuing to work with the developer to roll out the nbn network at your location.
If you’re preparing to move in, please contact the developer for more information.
If you are the developer of this property, please speak to your nbn New Developments representative or contact us.
More work required
Thank you for your patience. We're working to provide you with clarity on when your premises will be ready to connect. Please check back periodically for updates.
Looks like you're ready to connect
Some premises may need additional work to be completed first. Contact a phone and internet provider.
Disconnection information
Premises connected to the nbn® network via nbn Fixed Wireless won't be disconnected from their existing phone and internet services by nbn.
If you want to keep your existing copper phone line active when you order a service over nbn Fixed Wireless, you should speak to your phone and internet provider at the time you place your order.
Planned technology
nbn Satellite*
Good news! It looks like your location may be eligible for the business nbn® Satellite Service+. The business nbn Satellite Service is designed to support business-grade internet, data and voice services§ to Australian businesses in remote and rural areas^.
Disconnection information
Premises connected to the nbn® network via nbn Satellite won't be disconnected from their existing phone and internet services by nbn.
If you want to keep your existing copper phone line active when you order a service over nbn Satellite, you should speak to your phone and internet provider at the time you place your order.
Activate your nbn connection
The next step is to contact a phone or internet provider and order an nbn powered plan.
We’re planning to change your nbn technology.
This location is connected to the nbn® network
We’re planning to change your nbn technology.
You're ready to change to a new nbn® technology
Looks like you're ready to connect
Some premises may need additional work to be completed first. Contact a phone and internet provider.
Activate your nbn connection
The next step is to contact a phone or internet provider and order an nbn powered plan.
The nbn® network is wholesale only – we supply services and infrastructure to phone and internet providers, who then sell plans on to you, the end user.
To give you a clearer understanding of how we’re taking action, we’ve put some metrics together below. These relate to the services nbn delivers to phone and internet providers, and the physical connection of homes and businesses to our infrastructure.
To give you a clearer understanding of how we’re taking action, we’ve put some metrics together below. These relate to the services NBN Co delivers to phone and internet providers, and the physical connection of homes and businesses to our nbn infrastructure.
The nbn broadband access network is wholesale only – we supply services and infrastructure to phone and internet providers, who then sell plans on to you, the end user.
12.53 million Australian homes and businesses are able to connect to the nbn access network – compared with 12.40 million in February 2024.
The number of homes and businesses that can order a plan via a phone and internet provider and connect to the nbn access network.
8.63 million homes and businesses connected to a plan over the nbn access network – compared with 8.60 million in February 2024.
The number of homes and businesses connected to a plan over the nbn access network through a phone and internet provider.
4.35 million homes and businesses can upgrade# or have upgraded from nbn's FTTN and FTTC copper networks to full fibre - compared with 3.53 million in February 2024.
This refers to the number of homes and businesses (including complex multi-dwelling units) that can order a full fibre (FTTP) plan over the nbn network through a phone and internet provider.
# Conditions, eligibility criteria and costs may apply, please speak with your preferred provider. Eligibility criteria may include among other things placing an order for an nbn powered plan based on an eligible wholesale speed tier. Not all providers offer plans based on the full range of wholesale speed tiers.
83% of homes and businesses within nbn's fixed line footprint can access our highest residential wholesale speed tiers of close to 1Gbps## (via nbn's full fibre and HFC technology) - compared with 75% in February 2024.
## Regardless of the retail service an end customer purchases, the actual wholesale download speeds delivered by nbn's highest residential wholesale speed tier of 500 to close to 1000 Mbps will be less than 1Gbps due to equipment and network limitations and the peak information rate may fall anywhere in this range. References to speeds are not end customer speeds; they are wholesale layer 2 peak information rate bandwidth provided to retail providers. NBN Co provides wholesale services to retail providers and availability of speed tiers vary depending on the access technology in an end customer's area.
88% of homes and businesses had their nbn equipment installed right the first time – compared to 89% in February 2024.
The percentage of homes and businesses that have their initial nbn equipment installed without additional work from NBN Co the first time the installation is attempted when connecting to the nbn network for the first time.
Typically NBN Co excludes end user cancellations, end user or phone and internet provider initiated reschedules, end user premises "shortfalls" and other things outside of NBN Co's control such as bad weather. This measure covers the installation of equipment that does not require more than one appointment. It does not cover successful connections to a plan over the nbn access network through a phone and internet provider.
98% of homes and businesses were connected within target timeframes agreed with phone and internet providers – compared with 94% in February 2024.
The percentage of premises that NBN Co connects to the nbn access network within target timeframes with phone and internet providers.
The target timeframes vary by nbn access network type and available infrastructure at the premises. This measure does not include Priority Assistance connections or Accelerated Connections.
Average bandwidth congestion across the nbn access network is around 4 minutes per week per premises – compared with 0 minutes per week in February 2024. This measure excludes nbn Sky Muster® satellite.
The average number of minutes of bandwidth congestion per week/ per service. This is calculated across all bandwidth purchased by all phone and internet providers across the entire network (CVC congestion).
Consistent with the approved Special Access Undertaking Variation, nbn has introduced AVC-only prices for wholesale speed tiers of 100Mbps and above, and a commitment to phase out CVC (bandwidth) charges by the end of FY26 for 12-50Mbps services, except for services provided over satellite. As a result, this graph may be phased out.
Please note that while bandwidth congestion is caused by the level of provisioning of capacity by the phone and internet provider, there are also other types of congestion which may occur on the nbn access network. See the Fixed Line Network congestion metric for an example of this.
0.000% of all homes and businesses connected to the nbn Fixed Line access network experienced network congestion – compared with 0.000% in February 2024.
The estimated monthly average percentage of homes and businesses who experience nbn access network congestion (as per NBN Co’s congestion measures for Fixed Line networks). This excludes nbn Fixed Wireless and Sky Muster® satellite.
* The calculation of the Fixed Line Network Congestion metric has changed from December 2023. The new calculation of the metric has been adapted per the SAU accepted practices on network performance reporting. In addition, it has been expanded to include the measurement from FTTP GPON access ports which were not previously included. These additional factors help to provide a more complete picture of Fixed Line Network Congestion. The historical figures in the graph above have not been recalculated using this new method. This metric should not be compared with the old ‘Fixed Line Network Congestion’ metric as contained in pre-December 2023 monthly progress reports.
Congestion metrics vary between Fixed Line technologies. These are calculated based on the utilisation of certain parts of the nbn™ Fixed Line access network that are shared by phone and internet providers.
The speeds actually achieved over the nbn™ access network also depend on factors outside our control including your equipment quality, software, signal quality, broadband plans and how your phone and internet provider designs its network.
Note: The calculation of the Fixed Line Network Congestion metric has changed from July 2020. The new calculation of the metric has been expanded to include measurement from FTTN/B and HFC transit links, which were not previously included. These additional factors help to provide a more complete picture of fixed line network congestion. The historical figures in the graph above have been recalculated using this new metric. This metric should not be compared with the old ‘Fixed Line Network Congestion’ metric as contained in pre-July 2020 monthly progress reports.
74% of homes and businesses are on a 50Mbps (download) wholesale speed plan or higher – compared with 74% in February 2024.
This graph represents the percentage of homes and businesses on a:
(1) 50Mbps (download) wholesale speed plan or higher; and
(2) 25Mbps (download) wholesale speed plan or lower,
purchased from a phone or internet provider.
In this metric, '50Mbps (download) wholesale speed plan' includes wholesale plans available to phone and internet providers with download speeds of 50Mbps and 25-50Mbps. The nbn wholesale speed tiers available to your phone and internet provider vary depending on the nbn access network technology in your area. Your experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the nbn network, depends on the nbn access network technology and configuration over which services are delivered to your premises, whether you are using the internet during the busy period, and some factors outside our control (like your equipment quality, software, broadband plans, signal reception and how your service provider designs its network). Speeds may be impacted by network congestion on nbn’s Fixed Wireless network, including during busy periods. Satellite users may experience latency.
The nbn access network was up and running 99.92% of the time – compared to 99.94% in February 2024.
Percentage of time the nbn access network is available and operating. For this measure, the network is considered ‘unavailable’ during the time NBN Co is restoring services following the raising of a fault. It doesn’t include periods where the network is unavailable due to operational outages for network upgrades and improvements or events beyond NBN Co’s control.
89% of accepted nbn faults are resolved with phone and internet providers within nbn's target time frames – compared to 86% in February 2024.
The percentage of time NBN Co resolves accepted faults within NBN Co's target timeframes with phone and internet providers.
This measure tracks individual service faults, not network related faults which are tracked separately. The fault restoration measure does not include restoration for faults reported to us relating to Priority Assistance Faults or Enhanced Faults, network upgrades and improvements, and events beyond NBN Co's control. NBN Co's target timeframes apply to faults raised by phone and internet providers and accepted by NBN Co and vary depending on the location of the premises, and are different for the Sky Muster® satellite network.
An average of 0.7 per 100 homes and businesses experienced a fault on the nbn access network this month (excluding faults within 10 business days of the connection) – compared to 0.8 in February 2024.
The number of faults on the nbn access network per 100 premises per month (excluding faults within 10 business days of the connection).
This measure tracks individual service faults, not network related faults which are tracked separately. It excludes faults not related to the nbn access network.
100% of nbn Fixed Wireless network cells have a monthly busy hour cell performance of 6Mbps or more – compared with 100% in February 2024. View detailed table for all categories.
Note: The performance of a cell impacts the total throughput of an nbn service. For example, if the throughput of a service was limited by the busy hour cell performance to an average of 6Mbps, the applications in use at the same time using the nbn Fixed Wireless service will share the available throughput.
In its Fixed Wireless cell capacity upgrade program, nbn prioritises cells which fall under its design threshold of 6Mbps monthly busy hour cell performance (or that nbn forecasts to fall under this threshold).
This design threshold is based on an average 30 day downlink throughput of 6Mbps during the busiest hour of the day (typically between 7pm and 11pm) (referred to here as “monthly busy hour cell performance”).
Note: The number of active users is used as a proxy to identify the busiest hour. While the period with the highest number of end users will typically also be the period with the highest levels of data consumed, not all active users will behave the same way and in some cases, an hour with fewer active users may actually be consuming more data than an hour with more active users depending on the activity of those end users.
100% of nbn Fixed Wireless cells connect via backhaul links with a 28 day busy hour link packet loss of less than 0.25%, compared with 100% in February 2024.
In its Fixed Wireless backhaul capacity upgrade program, nbn prioritises links operating with an Average 28 Day Busy Hour Link Packet Loss of 0.25% or greater (or that nbn forecasts to exceed this threshold). The metric is based on the data available to nbn and there may be some affected cells that are unable to be included in the metric, e.g. due to data issues such as data availability, changes in the way nbn collects backhaul data and configuration changes in the links servicing a given cell.
The Fixed Wireless Busy Hour Link Performance threshold is based on an Average 28 day Packet Loss of 0.25% or more during the busiest hour of the day (typically between 7pm and 11pm) for each backhaul link. The busy hour varies between backhaul links and associated fixed wireless cells.
7 nbn satellite network faults were identified which affected the supply of nbn Sky Muster and Sky Muster Plus services – compared with 7 in February 2024.
This metric describes the total number of nbn satellite network faults that impacted end user Sky Muster® and Sky Muster® Plus services.
The average time to resolve nbn satellite network faults which affected the supply of nbn Sky Muster and Sky Muster Plus services and identified in February 2025 was 32 minutes, compared to 51 minutes in February 2024.
The Average Time to Restore measures the average time taken for NBN Co to resolve all nbn satellite network faults which affected the supply of nbn Sky Muster® and Sky Muster® Plus services.
12.53 million Australian homes and businesses are able to connect to the nbn access network – compared with 12.40 million in February 2024.
The number of homes and businesses that can order a plan via a phone and internet provider and connect to the nbn access network.
8.63 million homes and businesses connected to a plan over the nbn access network – compared with 8.60 million in February 2024.
The number of homes and businesses connected to a plan over the nbn access network through a phone and internet provider.
4.35 million homes and businesses can upgrade# or have upgraded from nbn's FTTN and FTTC copper networks to full fibre - compared with 3.53 million in February 2024.
This refers to the number of homes and businesses (including complex multi-dwelling units) that can order a full fibre (FTTP) plan over the nbn network through a phone and internet provider.
# Conditions, eligibility criteria and costs may apply, please speak with your preferred provider. Eligibility criteria may include among other things placing an order for an nbn powered plan based on an eligible wholesale speed tier. Not all providers offer plans based on the full range of wholesale speed tiers.
83% of homes and businesses within nbn's fixed line footprint can access our highest residential wholesale speed tiers of close to 1Gbps## (via nbn's full fibre and HFC technology) - compared with 75% in February 2024.
## Regardless of the retail service an end customer purchases, the actual wholesale download speeds delivered by nbn's highest residential wholesale speed tier of 500 to close to 1000 Mbps will be less than 1Gbps due to equipment and network limitations and the peak information rate may fall anywhere in this range. References to speeds are not end customer speeds; they are wholesale layer 2 peak information rate bandwidth provided to retail providers. NBN Co provides wholesale services to retail providers and availability of speed tiers vary depending on the access technology in an end customer's area.
88% of homes and businesses had their nbn equipment installed right the first time – compared to 89% in February 2024.
The percentage of homes and businesses that have their initial nbn equipment installed without additional work from NBN Co the first time the installation is attempted when connecting to the nbn network for the first time.
Typically NBN Co excludes end user cancellations, end user or phone and internet provider initiated reschedules, end user premises "shortfalls" and other things outside of NBN Co's control such as bad weather. This measure covers the installation of equipment that does not require more than one appointment. It does not cover successful connections to a plan over the nbn access network through a phone and internet provider.
98% of homes and businesses were connected within target timeframes agreed with phone and internet providers – compared with 94% in February 2024.
The percentage of premises that NBN Co connects to the nbn access network within target timeframes with phone and internet providers.
The target timeframes vary by nbn access network type and available infrastructure at the premises. This measure does not include Priority Assistance connections or Accelerated Connections.
Average bandwidth congestion across the nbn access network is around 4 minutes per week per premises – compared with 0 minutes per week in February 2024. This measure excludes nbn Sky Muster® satellite.
The average number of minutes of bandwidth congestion per week/ per service. This is calculated across all bandwidth purchased by all phone and internet providers across the entire network (CVC congestion).
Consistent with the approved Special Access Undertaking Variation, nbn has introduced AVC-only prices for wholesale speed tiers of 100Mbps and above, and a commitment to phase out CVC (bandwidth) charges by the end of FY26 for 12-50Mbps services, except for services provided over satellite. As a result, this graph may be phased out.
Please note that while bandwidth congestion is caused by the level of provisioning of capacity by the phone and internet provider, there are also other types of congestion which may occur on the nbn access network. See the Fixed Line Network congestion metric for an example of this.
0.000% of all homes and businesses connected to the nbn Fixed Line access network experienced network congestion – compared with 0.000% in February 2024.
The estimated monthly average percentage of homes and businesses who experience nbn access network congestion (as per NBN Co’s congestion measures for Fixed Line networks). This excludes nbn Fixed Wireless and Sky Muster® satellite.
* The calculation of the Fixed Line Network Congestion metric has changed from December 2023. The new calculation of the metric has been adapted per the SAU accepted practices on network performance reporting. In addition, it has been expanded to include the measurement from FTTP GPON access ports which were not previously included. These additional factors help to provide a more complete picture of Fixed Line Network Congestion. The historical figures in the graph above have not been recalculated using this new method. This metric should not be compared with the old ‘Fixed Line Network Congestion’ metric as contained in pre-December 2023 monthly progress reports.
Congestion metrics vary between Fixed Line technologies. These are calculated based on the utilisation of certain parts of the nbn™ Fixed Line access network that are shared by phone and internet providers.
The speeds actually achieved over the nbn™ access network also depend on factors outside our control including your equipment quality, software, signal quality, broadband plans and how your phone and internet provider designs its network.
Note: The calculation of the Fixed Line Network Congestion metric has changed from July 2020. The new calculation of the metric has been expanded to include measurement from FTTN/B and HFC transit links, which were not previously included. These additional factors help to provide a more complete picture of fixed line network congestion. The historical figures in the graph above have been recalculated using this new metric. This metric should not be compared with the old ‘Fixed Line Network Congestion’ metric as contained in pre-July 2020 monthly progress reports.
74% of homes and businesses are on a 50Mbps (download) wholesale speed plan or higher – compared with 74% in February 2024.
This graph represents the percentage of homes and businesses on a:
(1) 50Mbps (download) wholesale speed plan or higher; and
(2) 25Mbps (download) wholesale speed plan or lower,
purchased from a phone or internet provider.
In this metric, '50Mbps (download) wholesale speed plan' includes wholesale plans available to phone and internet providers with download speeds of 50Mbps and 25-50Mbps. The nbn wholesale speed tiers available to your phone and internet provider vary depending on the nbn access network technology in your area. Your experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the nbn network, depends on the nbn access network technology and configuration over which services are delivered to your premises, whether you are using the internet during the busy period, and some factors outside our control (like your equipment quality, software, broadband plans, signal reception and how your service provider designs its network). Speeds may be impacted by network congestion on nbn’s Fixed Wireless network, including during busy periods. Satellite users may experience latency.
The nbn access network was up and running 99.92% of the time – compared to 99.94% in February 2024.
Percentage of time the nbn access network is available and operating. For this measure, the network is considered ‘unavailable’ during the time NBN Co is restoring services following the raising of a fault. It doesn’t include periods where the network is unavailable due to operational outages for network upgrades and improvements or events beyond NBN Co’s control.
89% of accepted nbn faults are resolved with phone and internet providers within nbn's target time frames – compared to 86% in February 2024.
The percentage of time NBN Co resolves accepted faults within NBN Co's target timeframes with phone and internet providers.
This measure tracks individual service faults, not network related faults which are tracked separately. The fault restoration measure does not include restoration for faults reported to us relating to Priority Assistance Faults or Enhanced Faults, network upgrades and improvements, and events beyond NBN Co's control. NBN Co's target timeframes apply to faults raised by phone and internet providers and accepted by NBN Co and vary depending on the location of the premises, and are different for the Sky Muster® satellite network.
An average of 0.7 per 100 homes and businesses experienced a fault on the nbn access network this month (excluding faults within 10 business days of the connection) – compared to 0.8 in February 2024.
The number of faults on the nbn access network per 100 premises per month (excluding faults within 10 business days of the connection).
This measure tracks individual service faults, not network related faults which are tracked separately. It excludes faults not related to the nbn access network.
100% of nbn Fixed Wireless network cells have a monthly busy hour cell performance of 6Mbps or more – compared with 100% in February 2024. View detailed table for all categories.
Note: The performance of a cell impacts the total throughput of an nbn service. For example, if the throughput of a service was limited by the busy hour cell performance to an average of 6Mbps, the applications in use at the same time using the nbn Fixed Wireless service will share the available throughput.
In its Fixed Wireless cell capacity upgrade program, nbn prioritises cells which fall under its design threshold of 6Mbps monthly busy hour cell performance (or that nbn forecasts to fall under this threshold).
This design threshold is based on an average 30 day downlink throughput of 6Mbps during the busiest hour of the day (typically between 7pm and 11pm) (referred to here as “monthly busy hour cell performance”).
Note: The number of active users is used as a proxy to identify the busiest hour. While the period with the highest number of end users will typically also be the period with the highest levels of data consumed, not all active users will behave the same way and in some cases, an hour with fewer active users may actually be consuming more data than an hour with more active users depending on the activity of those end users.
100% of nbn Fixed Wireless cells connect via backhaul links with a 28 day busy hour link packet loss of less than 0.25%, compared with 100% in February 2024.
In its Fixed Wireless backhaul capacity upgrade program, nbn prioritises links operating with an Average 28 Day Busy Hour Link Packet Loss of 0.25% or greater (or that nbn forecasts to exceed this threshold). The metric is based on the data available to nbn and there may be some affected cells that are unable to be included in the metric, e.g. due to data issues such as data availability, changes in the way nbn collects backhaul data and configuration changes in the links servicing a given cell.
The Fixed Wireless Busy Hour Link Performance threshold is based on an Average 28 day Packet Loss of 0.25% or more during the busiest hour of the day (typically between 7pm and 11pm) for each backhaul link. The busy hour varies between backhaul links and associated fixed wireless cells.
7 nbn satellite network faults were identified which affected the supply of nbn Sky Muster and Sky Muster Plus services – compared with 7 in February 2024.
This metric describes the total number of nbn satellite network faults that impacted end user Sky Muster® and Sky Muster® Plus services.
The average time to resolve nbn satellite network faults which affected the supply of nbn Sky Muster and Sky Muster Plus services and identified in February 2025 was 32 minutes, compared to 51 minutes in February 2024.
The Average Time to Restore measures the average time taken for NBN Co to resolve all nbn satellite network faults which affected the supply of nbn Sky Muster® and Sky Muster® Plus services.
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