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Find answers to frequently asked questions about the upgrades to nbn® Fixed Wireless.
Upgrade program information and eligibility
The nbn Fixed Wireless network is available to around 800,000 premises throughout Australia and has recently been upgraded through a $750 million investment to deliver a more reliable and stable network with faster speeds and less congestion.
These upgrades are delivering:
- Faster download speeds, even during busy periods.
- Faster speeds on our most popular plan – Fixed Wireless Plus.
- Two new higher speed plans available at eligible premises via participating providers.
- An expanded Fixed Wireless footprint providing more than 120,000 premises previously in the nbn Satellite footprint with access to nbn Fixed Wireless for the first time.
We recommend checking your address to find out what’s available to you today.
Through the nbn Fixed Wireless network upgrades, nbn has enabled more than 120,000 premises to access the nbn Fixed Wireless network for the first time. These premises were previously in the nbn Satellite footprint.
These satellite premises were selected based on their proximity to the Fixed Wireless towers at the location and the predicted strength of the wireless signal.
At the time of connecting to the nbn Fixed Wireless network, an nbn approved technician will attend the premises to ensure the signal strength is strong. If sufficient signal strength cannot be reached at the premises it will not be able to be connected to Fixed Wireless.
Check your address to find out if your premises is now within the Fixed Wireless coverage area.
Retail pricing is determined by phone and internet providers. Contact your preferred provider for more information on pricing.
Higher speed plans
Our new higher speed plans are available to eligible premises through more than 15 internet providers.
nbn Fixed Wireless Home Fast is intended to be available to approximately 90% of the expanded Fixed Wireless footprint. Fixed Wireless Home Fast has wholesale peak download speeds of 200-250 Mbps and upload speeds of 8-20 MbpsΔ$.
nbn Fixed Wireless Superfast is intended to be available to approximately 80% of the expanded Fixed Wireless footprint. Fixed Wireless Superfast has wholesale peak download speeds of 400 Mbps and upload speeds of 10-40 MbpsΔ$.
We’ve also boosted speeds on our most popular plan: Fixed Wireless Plus. Wholesale speed capability has now been lifted from up to 75/10Mbps to up to 100/20Mbps. This plan is available across 100% of the nbn Fixed Wireless coverage area.
Connecting to a new Fixed Wireless service
Information for locations currently in Fixed Wireless areas.
We do not currently enforce a Fair Use Policy with users on the nbn Fixed Wireless network.
Today, the Fixed Wireless Upgrade Program is delivering a step change in capacity and is expected to deliver significant performance improvements across the Fixed Wireless network including reduced congestion.
To further help protect the quality of the Fixed Wireless network and improve customer experience by fairly sharing available capacity across all users on the network, we intend to introduce a Fixed Wireless Fair Use Policy enforcement framework from early 2028.
We are also committed to providing phone and internet providers with at least 12 months’ notice prior to enforcement of the nbn Fixed Wireless Fair Use Policy.
Changing from Satellite to a Fixed Wireless service
Information for locations currently in Satellite areas.
You can contact a Fixed Wireless provider of your choice and ask to connect to a plan over Fixed Wireless.
Don’t forget to cancel your original plan
If you already have a plan over a Satellite service, we recommend that you contact the provider of the Satellite service and ask to cancel the plan to avoid being charged twice. Speak to your provider about any cancellation fees that may apply. You may want to leave your Satellite plan active until your new Fixed Wireless service is up and running so you aren’t left without a service.
Demand for data is changing for our Satellite customers and we’re evolving the network to help meet these needs now and into the future. You can access uncapped data usage plan options for all internet activities on nbn® Sky Muster® Plus Premium. These plans offer a choice of speeds to suit different needs and budgets and are available from a choice of providers. Fair use and shaping to slower speeds apply.
Installation process and device compatibility
If you’re connecting to Fixed Wireless for the first time, we will provide an nbn outdoor antenna and an nbn connection box free-of-charge to your provider and that will be installed during your appointment. You’ll need to ensure that you have a modem compatible with the nbn network when you connect. Your provider will be able to help with this.
To remove the nbn equipment used for your previous Satellite connection, you can lodge a request with nbn. We’ll then be in touch to organise a date for an nbn technician remove the equipment.
We're providing free upgrades of nbn equipment at selected Fixed Wireless locations to deliver better broadband for premises across regional and remote Australia.
Upgrading your Fixed Wireless equipment now means you could enjoy an improved connection* and better yet eligible premises# will soon have the option to access our higher speed plans from mid-2024, from participating providers.
If nbn has identified that your Fixed Wireless equipment requires a free upgrade you will be notified directly. Please call the phone number on the letter or SMS provided to you to schedule your appointment. An nbn technician from one of our approved delivery partners UGL or Hills will then:
- Remove your old Fixed Wireless equipment
- Install a new nbn outdoor antenna and nbn connection box
- Perform checks to ensure your connection is working before they leave
- Complete the appointment generally within two hours
You can continue to use the Wi-Fi router provided by your provider.
If you have any questions about nbn’s Privacy Policy, please call 1800 687 626. Our Privacy Policy contains detailed information about our information handling practices, how you may access, update and correct personal information we hold about you and, if you are concerned about how we have handled your information, how to lodge a complaint.
- For Hills’ privacy policy, please visit their website or call 1300 723 585.
- For UGL’s privacy policy, please visit their website or call 1300 171 745.
Register for nbn updates
Sign up for news and updates from nbn including:
- Updates about the nbn network at your location
- New products and features
- Tips to help you make more of your internet experience
Can't find your address below? Try repositioning the location pin on the map in 'EARTH' view.
Still cannot find your address?Privacy Collection Notice
nbn is collecting your personal information to keep you informed about news and updates from nbn. You can choose to unsubscribe at any time. nbn may link your personal information to cookies and tracking pixels for improving website performance and user experience. You can access our cookie notice for more information. nbn uses service providers who may be located outside of Australia to carry out our work. nbn’s Privacy Policy sets out how we handle your personal information, how you can access or correct your personal information, or make a complaint about nbn’s handling of your personal information and how we will deal with your complaint.
Important notes
Your experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the nbn network, depends on the nbn network technology and configuration over which services are delivered to your premises, whether you are using the internet during the busy period, and some factors outside our control (like your equipment quality, software, broadband plans, signal reception and how your service provider designs its network). Speeds may be impacted by the number of concurrent users on nbn’s Fixed Wireless network, including during busy periods.
Two higher speed plan options are launching from mid-2024 in upgraded areas. Your eligibility will depend on a range of factors, such as your location and if you have upgraded your equipment. Contact your participating provider to find out if you’ll be eligible to upgrade your plan.
These are nbn wholesale speed tiers which nbn provides to retail phone and internet providers. Attainable wholesale speeds are subject to the rollout of network upgrades and some premises will require nbn to complete upgrades to the equipment at the premises.
If the nbn technician determines after testing that your premises does not have sufficient signal strength, then the necessary equipment will not be installed, and you will not be able to access the nbn Fixed Wireless network.
List of upgrade areas in NSW
We are progressively upgrading the existing nbn® Fixed Wireless network. The following list shows where the upgrade works are 'complete' or ‘planned’.
- Complete - initial works are complete. Faster download speeds during the busy period now available
- Planned
Aberglasslyn, Abermain, Abernethy, Agnes Banks, Alfredtown, Alison, Allandale, Allynbrook, Alpine, Alstonvale, Alstonville, Alumy Creek, Anambah, Annangrove, Appin, Arcadia, Arding, Ardlethan, Argents Hill, Argyle, Ariah Park, Armidale, Arrawarra Headland, Ashby, Ashby Heights, Ashby Island, Ashford, Attunga, Auburn Vale, Avoca, Aylmerton, Back Creek, Backmede, Bagnoo, Bago, Bagotville, Balickera, Balldale, Ballengarra, Ballina, Balmoral, Bandon Grove, Bangalow, Bango, Banora Point, Bar Point, Barcoongere, Barellan, Bargo, Barmedman, Barooga, Barraba, Barrington, Barwang, Basin View, Batlow, Bean Creek, Beckom, Bectric, Beechwood, Beelbangera, Belanglo, Belford, Belfrayden, Belimbla Park, Bellangry, Bellbird, Bellingen, Bendick Murrell, Bendolba, Benerembah, Bentley, Berambing, Berrigan, Berrilee, Berrima, Berry Jerry, Berry Park, Berthong, Bewong, Bexhill, Bickley Vale, Big Ridge, Big Springs, Bilambil, Bilambil Heights, Bilbul, Billimari, Billinudgel, Bilpin, Bimbi, Binalong, Bingeebeebra Creek, Bingleburra, Binna Burra, Binya, Bishops Bridge, Black Hill, Black Mountain, Blackmans Point, Blakebrook, Blaxlands Creek, Blaxlands Ridge, Blue Knob, Boambolo, Boat Harbour, Boeill Creek, Bogangar, Boggabilla, Bolwarra, Bolwarra Heights, Bom Bom, Bombay, Bombowlee, Bomen, Bonalbo, Bonshaw, Booerie Creek, Book Book, Boomanoomana, Boomi Creek, Boorabee Park, Booral, Booyong, Bora Ridge, Borambola, Boree, Bowan Park, Bowman, Bowman Farm, Bowna, Bowning, Bowral, Bowraville, Box Hill, Braidwood, Brandy Hill, Branxton, Braunstone, Brays Creek, Brayton, Bribbaree, Bridgman, Brierfield, Broadwater, Brocklesby, Brodies Plains, Broke, Broken Head, Brombin, Brookdale, Brookfield, Brooklet, Brooms Head, Brownlow Hill, Brucedale, Brungle, Brunkerville, Brunswick Heads, Brushgrove, Buchanan, Buckendoon, Buckra Bendinni, Bulga, Bulliac, Bumbaldry, Bundanoon, Bundarra, Bungabbee, Bungalora, Bungawalbin, Bungowannah, Buronga, Burra, Burradoo, Burrandana, Burrangong, Burrawang, Burringbar, Burrumbuttock, Bushells Ridge, Buttai, Butterwick, Buxton, Byabarra, Byangum, Byron Bay, Byrrill Creek, Cairncross, Calga, Calliope, Camberwell, Cambra, Camden Park, Caniaba, Canowindra, Canyonleigh, Captains Flat, Cargo, Carool, Carrs Creek, Carrs Island, Carrs Peninsula, Cartwrights Hill, Casino, Castle Doyle, Castlereagh, Cattai, Cawdor, Cawongla, Cedar Brush Creek, Cedar Point, Central Mangrove, Cessnock, Chatsworth, Chillingham, Chinderah, Chisholm, Chowan Creek, Clarence Town, Clarendon, Clarenza, Cliftleigh, Clothiers Creek, Clovass, Clunes, Clydesdale, Cobaki, Cobaki Lakes, Cobbadah, Cobbitty, Coffee Camp, Cogra Bay, Coldstream, Coleambally, Colinroobie, Collendina, Collingullie, Collins Creek, Colo Vale, Combaning, Comberton, Combo, Comboyne, Condong, Congarinni, Congarinni North, Congewai, Conjola, Conjola Park, Coolamon, Coolgardie, Coombell, Coomealla, Cooperabung, Coopers Shoot, Coorabell, Cooranbong, Cootamundra, Copeton, Copmanhurst, Corbie Hill, Corindi Beach, Corndale, Cornwallis, Corowa, Cottonvale, Courabyra, Couridjah, Coutts Crossing, Cowper, Cowra, Crabbes Creek, Cranebrook, Craven, Crescent Head, Croobyar, Crosslands, Crowther, Crystal Creek, Cudal, Cudgel, Cudgen, Cudgera Creek, Culcairn, Culmaran Creek, Cumbalum, Cumberland Reach, Curlwaa, Currawarna, Dalwood, Dangarsleigh, Darbalara, Darbys Falls, Dareton, Darlington Point, Daroobalgie, Deep Creek, Delungra, Deniliquin, Dhulura, Dirty Creek, Dobies Bight, Donald Creek, Donnellyville, Doon Doon, Dorrigo Mountain, Dorroughby, Doubtful Creek, Douglas Park, Downside, Duck Creek, Duckenfield, Dulguigan, Dumaresq, Dunbible, Dungarubba, Dungay, Dungog, Dunolly, Dunoon, Duns Creek, Dural, Duranbah, Duroby, Durran Durra, Duval, Dyraaba, Dyrring, Eagleton, East Albury, East Coraki, East Gresford, East Kangaloon, East Kurrajong, East Lismore, East Maitland, East Seaham, East Wagga Wagga, East Wardell, Eatonsville, Ebenezer, Edenville, Elderslie, Ellalong, Elland, Ellangowan, Ellenborough, Elrington, Eltham, Empire Vale, Estella, Ettamogah, Euberta, Eugowra, Eunanoreenya, Eungai Creek, Eungella, Eureka, Eviron, Ewingsdale, Exeter, Fairy Hill, Falbrook, Falls Creek, Fargunyah, Farley, Farrants Hill, Farringdon, Faulkland, Fawcetts Plain, Federal, Fern Gully, Fernbank Creek, Fernleigh, Fernmount, Fernside, Fernvale, Fiddletown, Finley, Fishermans Paradise, Fishers Hill, Fitzroy Falls, Flat Tops, Forbes, Forbesdale, Fordwich, Forest Glen, Forest Hill, Fosterton, Frazers Creek, Freemans Reach, Gables, Galong, Galston, Ganmain, Gelston Park, Geneva, Georgica, Gerogery, Gidginbung, Gilead, Gilgai, Gillenbah, Gilletts Ridge, Gillieston Heights, Gilmore, Girral, Glen Martin, Glen Oak, Glen William, Glendon, Glendon Brook, Glenellen, Glengarrie, Gleniffer, Glenmore, Glennies Creek, Glenorie, Glenquarry, Glenridding, Glenroy, Glenworth Valley, Glossodia, Gloucester, Gobbagombalin, Gocup, Gogeldrie, Gol Gol, Good Hope, Goodwood Island, Goolmangar, Gooloogong, Goonellabah, Goonengerry, Gorge Creek, Gosforth, Gouldsville, Gowrie, Grafton, Grasmere, Great Marlow, Green Pigeon, Greendale, Greenethorpe, Greenridge, Gregadoo, Gresford, Greta, Greta Main, Griffith, Grogan, Grose Vale, Grose Wold, Gulmarrad, Gum Flat, Gum Scrub, Gumly Gumly, Gumma, Gundagai, Gunderman, Hacks Ferry, Halfway Creek, Halloran, Hambledon Hill, Hamilton Valley, Hanleys Creek, Hanwood, Harden, Harefield, Harpers Hill, Hartys Plains, Harwood, Haystack, Hayters Hill, Heddon Greta, Henty, Hexham, High Range, Hill Top, Hilldale, Hillgrove, Hillsborough, Hinton, Hogarth Range, Holbrook, Homeleigh, Hopefield, Horse Station Creek, Horseshoe Creek, Howards Grass, Howlong, Hunterview, Huntingdon, Huntley, Huskisson, Hydes Creek, Hyndmans Creek, Ilarwill, Innes View, Inverell, Invergowrie, Irvington, Jacksons Flat, James Creek, Jembaicumbene, Jennings, Jerilderie, Jerrawangala, Jerrys Plains, Jiggi, Jilliby, Jindera, Joes Box, Jones Bridge, Junction Hill, Junee, Kamarah, Kangaloon, Kangy Angy, Kapooka, Kearsley, Keerrong, Keinbah, Keith Hall, Kellys Plains, Kenthurst, Kentucky, Khancoban, Kia Ora, Kiar, Kielvale, Kilgin, Kilgra, Killimicat, Kindee, King Creek, Kings Forest, Kingsvale, Kinvara, Kitchener, Klori, Knights Hill, Knockrow, Kooba, Koolkhan, Koonorigan, Koonyum Range, Koorawatha, Kulnura, Kundabung, Kungala, Kunghur, Kunghur Creek, Kurmond, Kurrajong, Kurrajong Hills, Kyarran, Kynnumboon, Kyogle, Lacmalac, Ladysmith, Lagoon Grass, Lake Albert, Lake Cathie, Lake Conjola, Lake Hume Village, Lake Innes, Lake Tabourie, Lake Wyangan, Lakesland, Lalalty, Lambs Valley, Lanitza, Larbert, Largs, Larnook, Lavadia, Lavington, Lawrence, Leconfield, Leeton, Leeville, Lenaghan, Lennox Head, Levenstrath, Lewinsbrook, Leycester, Lidster, Lillian Rock, Limpinwood, Lindendale, Little Back Creek, Little Forest, Little Jilliby, Little Plain, Little River, Llandilo, Lochinvar, Lockhart, Londonderry, Long Flat, Long Plain, Long Point, Lorn, Louth Park, Lovedale, Lower Belford, Lower Peacock, Lower Portland, Lower Southgate, Lowesdale, Loxford, Luddenham, Luskintyre, Lynchs Creek, Lynwood, Macksville, Maclean, Maimuru, Main Arm, Main Creek, Maison Dieu, Maitland, Maitland Vale, Majors Creek, Mallanganee, Manchester Square, Mandalong, Mandemar, Mangoplah, Mangrove Mountain, Manildra, Manilla, Mannus, Manton, Maraylya, Marchmont, Mardi, Marinna, Marlo Merrican, Marom Creek, Maroota, Marrar, Marshdale, Martins Creek, Martinsville, Marulan, Maryland, Matong, Maxwell, Mayfield, Mcdougalls Hill, Mcgraths Hill, Mcleans Ridges, Mcleods Shoot, Medway, Meerschaum Vale, Melville, Memagong, Menangle, Menangle Park, Merungle Hill, Meryla, Methul, Metz, Micalo Island, Middle Falbrook, Middle Pocket, Midginbil, Milbrodale, Millers Forest, Millfield, Milsons Passage, Milton, Milvale, Mimosa, Mindaribba, Minnie Water, Missabotti, Mitchells Flat, Mittagong, Moama, Modanville, Moleville Creek, Mollymook, Mollymook Beach, Molong, Monak, Monaltrie, Mondayong, Monteagle, Montecollum, Mooball, Moombooldool, Moonee Beach, Mooney Mooney, Moorbel, Moorong, Moorwatha, Morangarell, Mororo, Morpeth, Morton, Mortons Creek, Morven, Moss Vale, Mount Burrell, Mount Hunter, Mount Russell, Mount Thorley, Mount View, Mount Vincent, Mount Warning, Mount White, Mountain Top, Mountain View, Mourquong, Mowbray Park, Mulbring, Mulgoa, Mulgrave, Muli Muli, Mullaway, Mullumbimby, Mullumbimby Creek, Mulwala, Mummulgum, Mundongo, Murrami, Murringo, Murrulebale, Murrumbateman, Murwillumbah, Myall Park, Mylneford, Myocum, Myrtle Park, Nambucca Heads, Narraburra, Narrandera, Narrawallee, Nashua, Naughtons Gap, Nelson, Nelsons Plains, Nericon, New Berrima, New Brighton, New Italy, New Park, Newee Creek, Newrybar, Nimbin, Nobbys Creek, Nooroo, North Arm, North Casino, North Lismore, North Macksville, North Richmond, North Rothbury, North Tumbulgum, North Wagga Wagga, North Woodburn, Northangera, Nowra Hill, Nubba, Nulkaba, Nullamanna, Numinbah, Numulgi, Nunderi, Nyrang Creek, Oakdale, Oakhampton, Oaklands, Oakville, Oakwood, Obanvale, Ocean Shores, Old Bonalbo, Old Junee, Orangeville, Orchard Hills, Osterley, Oswald, Oura, Ourimbah, Paddys River, Palm Grove, Palmdale, Palmers Channel, Palmers Island, Palmvale, Palmwoods, Paringi, Parma, Patchs Beach, Paterson, Paxton, Paytens Bridge, Peacock Creek, Pearces Creek, Peats Ridge, Pembrooke, Penrose, Pheasants Nest, Phoenix Park, Picton, Piggabeen, Pimlico, Pindaroi, Pine Lodge, Piora, Pipeclay, Pitnacree, Pitt Town, Pitt Town Bottoms, Pointer Mountain, Pokolbin, Pomona, Port Macquarie, Possum Creek, Pottsville, Pretty Pine, Pucawan, Pumpenbil, Quandary, Quorrobolong, Raleigh, Rannock, Rawdon Island, Raworth, Raymond Terrace, Razorback, Red Rock, Redbank, Redbournberry, Redlands, Reedy Creek, Reefton, Reidsdale, Repentance Creek, Repton, Reserve Creek, Richmond, Richmond Hill, Richmond Lowlands, Richmond Vale, Rileys Hill, Riverside, Rob Roy, Robertson, Rock Valley, Rocky River, Rollands Plains, Rookhurst, Rosebank, Roseberg, Rosebrook, Rosewood, Rothbury, Roughit, Round Mountain, Rous, Rous Mill, Rouse Hill, Rowan, Rukenvale, Rushes Creek, Rushforth, Rutherford, Sackville, Sackville North, San Isidore, Sancrox, Sandgate, Sandigo, Sandilands, Sandy Beach, Sapphire Beach, Saumarez, Saumarez Ponds, Sawyers Gully, Scheyville, Scotts Flat, Seaham, Sebastopol, Sedgefield, Seelands, Shannon Brook, Shannondale, Sherwood, Shortland, Silverdale, Simpkins Creek, Singleton, Singleton Heights, Skennars Head, Skinners Shoot, Sleepy Hollow, Smiths Creek, Somersby, Somerton, South Albury, South Arm, South Ballina, South Grafton, South Gundagai, South Lismore, South Maroota, South Murwillumbah, Southampton, Southgate, Spencer, Spring Grove, Springdale, Springdale Heights, Springvale, St Georges Basin, Stanbridge, Stanhope, Stockinbingal, Stokers Siding, Stony Chute, Stotts Creek, Stratford, Stratheden, Stroud, Stroud Hill, Stroud Road, Stud Park, Suffolk Park, Sugarloaf, Summer Hill, Sussex Inlet, Sutton Forest, Swan Bay, Swan Creek, Tabbil Creek, Tabbita, Table Top, Tabulam, Tahmoor, Talarm, Tallimba, Tallong, Talofa, Taloumbi, Tanglewood, Tara, Tarban, Tarcutta, Taylors Arm, Telegraph Point, Temora, Tennyson, Tenterfield, Terania Creek, Termeil, Terragon, Terranora, Teven, Tewinga, Texas, Tharbogang, The Channon, The Gap, The Hatch, The Oaks, The Pinnacles, The Pocket, The Risk, The Rock, The Slopes, The Whiteman, Theresa Park, Thirlmere, Thora, Thornton, Thrumster, Thuddungra, Thurgoona, Tilbuster, Tingha, Tintenbar, Tocal, Tocumwal, Tomerong, Tomewin, Tomki, Tootool, Torryburn, Townsend, Tregeagle, Trenayr, Trentham Cliffs, Tubbul, Tucabia, Tucki Tucki, Tuckombil, Tuckurimba, Tuggerah, Tugrabakh, Tullera, Tullymorgan, Tumbarumba, Tumblong, Tumbulgum, Tumut, Tumut Plains, Tuncester, Tunglebung, Tuntable Creek, Tyagarah, Tyalgum, Tyalgum Creek, Tygalgah, Tyndale, Uki, Ulladulla, Ulmarra, Ungarie, Upper Burringbar, Upper Copmanhurst, Upper Corindi, Upper Crystal Creek, Upper Duroby, Upper Horseshoe Creek, Upper Manilla, Upper Rollands Plains, Uralba, Uralla, Uranquinty, Urbenville, Urliup, Urunga, Utungun, Vacy, Valery, Valla, Vineyard, Wadeville, Wagga Wagga, Walbundrie, Walla Walla, Wallacia, Wallalong, Wallangra, Wallarobba, Walleroobie, Wandandian, Wandook, Warburn, Wardell, Wardrop Valley, Wards River, Warkworth, Warnervale, Warregah Island, Warrell Creek, Washpool, Waterview, Waterview Heights, Wattamondara, Wattle Ponds, Wauchope, Way Way, Wedderburn, Weedallion, Weismantels, Wells Crossing, Wentworth, Werai, Wereboldera, Wermatong, Werombi, West Ballina, West Wiangaree, West Wyalong, Westbrook, Weston, Whian Whian, Whiteman Creek, Whittingham, Whitton, Wiangaree, Widgelli, Wilberforce, Wildes Meadow, Willbriggie, Wilsons Creek, Wilton, Wimborne, Windella, Windermere, Winegrove, Wingello, Wirlinga, Wirragulla, Wirrimah, Wirrimbi, Wisemans Ferry, Wollongbar, Wombat, Wondalga, Woodberry, Woodburn, Woodenbong, Woodford Island, Woodlands, Woodlawn, Woodstock, Woodview, Woodville, Woolgarlo, Woolgoolga, Wooli, Woollamia, Woomargama, Woombah, Wooyung, Wyalong, Wyangala, Wyangle, Wyee, Wylies Flat, Wyneden, Wyong, Wyong Creek, Yabbra, Yamba, Yanco, Yanderra, Yarragundry, Yarramalong, Yarramundi, Yarranbella, Yarras, Yarrowyck, Yass, Yass River, Yathella, Yatte Yattah, Yelgun, Yenda, Yerrinbool, Yerriyong, Yippin Creek, Yoogali, Yorklea, Young, Zara
Abercrombie, Adaminaby, Akolele, Albion Park, Albion Park Rail, Aldavilla, Allgomera, Amaroo, Angledale, Anna Bay, Appleby, Apsley, Arable, Arakoon, Ardglen, Austral Eden, Avondale, Avonside, Back Forest, Bakers Swamp, Bald Hills, Balladoran, Ballimore, Bamarang, Bangalee, Barbigal, Barham, Barraganyatti, Barragga Bay, Barrengarry, Barry, Batar Creek, Batehaven, Batemans Bay, Bathampton, Beaumont, Bective, Bega, Belgravia, Bell, Bellawongarah, Bellimbopinni, Belmore River, Bemboka, Benandarah, Bendemeer, Bengalla, Benolong, Bergalia, Bermagui, Berridale, Berry, Berry Mountain, Beryl, Biddon, Bielsdown Hills, Billys Creek, Bimbimbie, Bingie, Binjura, Biraganbil, Bithramere, Black Creek, Black Head, Black Range, Black Springs, Blayney, Boambee, Bobs Creek, Bobs Farm, Bodalla, Bodangora, Bogan Gate, Bohnock, Bolong, Bomaderry, Bombala, Bombira, Bonville, Bootawa, Borambil, Borenore, Bostobrick, Botobolar, Bournewood, Braefield, Bredbo, Breelong, Brewongle, Brimbin, Brocklehurst, Brogo, Broughton, Broughton Vale, Broughton Village, Broulee, Browns Creek, Browns Mountain, Brundee, Bucca, Bucca Wauka, Buckajo, Buckaroo, Budgee Budgee, Budgong, Bundagen, Bundewallah, Bundook, Bunyah, Bunyan, Burnt Bridge, Burnt Yards, Burrell Creek, Burrundulla, Byng, Caerleon, Calala, Calderwood, Caloola, Cambewarra, Canadian Lead, Candelo, Canobolas, Carcoar, Carrington, Carroll, Catalina, Cedar Party, Central Tilba, Chakola, Charlotte Bay, Chatham Valley, Chilcotts Grass, Chinnock, Clarence, Clear Creek, Clergate, Cleveland, Clifton Grove, Clybucca, Cobargo, Codrington, Coffs Harbour, Coila, Collombatti, Congo, Cookamidgera, Cooks Gap, Coolagolite, Coolah, Coolangatta, Coolongolook, Coolringdon, Cooma, Coomba Bay, Coomba Park, Coopernook, Coopers Gully, Cootralantra, Cooyal, Cope, Coraki, Coralville, Coramba, Corunna, Cow Flat, Crackenback, Creel Bay, Croki, Croom, Cross Roads, Crowdy Head, Cumbandry, Cumnock, Cundletown, Curban, Curlewis, Curramore, Cuttagee, Dairymans Plains, Dalgety, Dapto, Darawank, Dargan, Dark Corner, Dartbrook, Daruka, Deer Vale, Delegate, Delroy Heights, Denhams Beach, Doctor George Mountain, Dollys Flat, Dombarton, Dondingalong, Dorrigo, Dripstone, Dubbo, Duckmaloi, Dumaresq Island, Duncans Creek, Dundurrabin, Dunedoo, Dungowan, Dunkeld, Dunmore, Duramana, Duri, Durras North, Dyers Crossing, East Jindabyne, East Kempsey, East Lynne, East Tamworth, Eden, Edith, Eglinton, Emu Swamp, Essington, Eulomogo, Eungai Rail, Eurimbla, Euroka, Eurunderee, Euston, Evans Plains, Failford, Falconer, Far Meadow, Farmborough Heights, Farnham, Fernbrook, Figtree, Firefly, Fishermans Reach, Fitzgeralds Mount, Fitzgeralds Valley, Forest Grove, Forest Reefs, Forster, Foxground, Frederickton, Frog Rock, Frogs Hollow, Fullerton Cove, Galambine, Ganbenang, Garland, Garoo, Garra, Garthowen, Georges Plains, Gerringong, Gerroa, Geurie, Ghinni Ghinni, Gidley, Gilgandra, Gladstone, Glanmire, Glen Innes, Glencoe, Glenreagh, Glenthorne, Good Forest, Goonoo Goonoo, Gormans Hill, Green Hills, Greenhill, Greenwell Point, Greigs Flat, Grosses Plain, Gulgong, Gunnedah, Guntawang, Guyong, Guyra, Hallidays Point, Hallsville, Hampden Hall, Hampton, Hannam Vale, Harrington, Hartley, Hartley Vale, Hat Head, Hazelgrove, Hernani, Hillville, Hillvue, Hobbys Yards, Home Rule, Illaroo, Ingebirah, Jamberoo, Jaspers Brush, Jellat Jellat, Jeremadra, Jerrara, Jerseyville, Jindabyne, Johns River, Jones Island, Kains Flat, Kalaru, Kalkite, Kameruka, Kangaroo Valley, Kangaroobie, Kanimbla, Kanoona, Karaak Flat, Karangi, Karuah, Kayuga, Keepit, Kelso, Kembla Grange, Kempsey, Kendall, Kew, Kiama, Kiama Heights, Kianga, Killabakh, Killawarra, Kimbriki, Kinchela, Kings Plains, Kingscliff, Kingswood, Kiora, Kirkconnell, Kiwarrak, Koorainghat, Kootingal, Korora, Krambach, Kundibakh, Kundle Kundle, Laffing Waters, Lakewood, Langley Vale, Lansdowne, Leadville, Lewis Ponds, Lightning Ridge, Lilli Pilli, Limekilns, Linburn, Lismore, Lismore Heights, Little Hartley, Lochiel, Locksley, Loftville, Logans Crossing, Long Beach, Longreach, Loombah, Loomberah, Lords Hill, Lorne, Lowanna, Lowther, Lucknow, Lyndhurst, Malua Bay, Mandurama, Manning Point, March, Marshall Mount, Maryvale, Mathoura, Mccullys Gap, Mckees Hill, Meadow Flat, Megalong Valley, Megan, Melinga, Menah, Merimbula, Meringo, Meroo Meadow, Merriwa, Middle Brook, Middle Brother, Middle Flat, Millingandi, Millthorpe, Milroy, Minimbah, Minore, Mitchells Island, Mogareeka, Mogendoura, Mogilla, Mogo, Mogriguy, Mondrook, Montefiores, Moobi, Mookerawa, Moolarben, Moonbah, Moonbi, Mooneba, Moore Creek, Moorilda, Moorland, Morans Crossing, Moruya, Moruya Heads, Mossy Point, Moto, Mount Arthur, Mount Frome, Mount George, Mount Knowles, Mount Lambie, Mount Panorama, Mount Rankin, Mozart, Mudgee, Mullion Creek, Mumbil, Mundamia, Murrah, Murrumbucca, Muswellbrook, Myrtle Mountain, Mystery Bay, Nabiac, Nana Glen, Napoleon Reef, Narooma, Nashdale, Nelligen, Nemingha, Nethercote, Neurea, Neville, Newbridge, Nimmitabel, North Batemans Bay, North Boambee Valley, North Dorrigo, North Narooma, North Nowra, North Tamworth, North Yeoval, Norway, Nowra, Numbaa, Numeralla, Nundle, Oberon, O'connell, Old Bar, Old Station, Ophir, Orange, Orton Park, Owens Gap, Oxley Island, Oxley Vale, Oyster Cove, Pambula, Pambula Beach, Pampoolah, Parkes, Parkville, Peel, Perthville, Piallamore, Piambong, Pine Valley, Pola Creek, Polo Flat, Portland, Possum Brush, Potato Point, Purfleet, Putta Bucca, Pyree, Quaama, Quipolly, Quirindi, Raglan, Rainbow Flat, Rainbow Reach, Rawsonville, Red Range, Reddestone, Reedy Swamp, Robin Hill, Rock Flat, Rock Forest, Rockley Mount, Rose Valley, Rosedale, Rossglen, Rossgole, Runnyford, Ruthven, Rydal, Saddleback Mountain, Salt Ash, Scone, Segenhoe, Seven Oaks, Shadforth, Shallow Bay, Shannon Vale, Shell Cove, Skillion Flat, Smithtown, South Bathurst, South Bowenfels, South Durras, South Gundurimba, South Guyra, South Kempsey, South Nowra, South Pambula, South Tamworth, South West Rocks, South Wolumla, Spring Creek, Spring Flat, Spring Hill, Spring Terrace, Springfield, Springside, St Fillans, Stewarts Mount, Stewarts River, Stonehenge, Stony Creek, Strathcedar, Stuart Town, Stuarts Point, Stubbo, Summer Hill Creek, Summer Island, Sunny Corner, Surf Beach, Surfside, Tahlee, Tallawang, Tallwood, Tallwoods Village, Tamban, Taminda, Tamworth, Tanja, Tantawangalo, Tapitallee, Tarana, Taree, Taree South, Tarraganda, Tatham, Tathra, Temagog, Terara, Terrabella, Terramungamine, The Bight, The Lagoon, The Rocks, Thyra, Tichborne, Tilba Tilba, Timbumburi, Tinonee, Tintinhull, Tiona, Tipperary, Tomakin, Tongarra, Toolijooa, Toongi, Toothdale, Trundle, Tullimbar, Turners Flat, Tuross Head, Tyringham, Ulan, Ulong, Upper Dartbrook, Upper Kangaroo River, Upper Lansdowne, Upper Orara, Upsalls Creek, Verges Creek, Verona, Vittoria, Waitui, Walang, Waldegrave, Wallabadah, Wallabi Point, Wallaga Lake, Wallagoot, Wallamore, Wallerawang, Wallingat, Wallis Lake, Walmer, Wamban, Wambool, Wambrook, Wandella, Wang Wauk, Warrah Ridge, Warral, Wellington, Werris Creek, West Coraki, West Kempsey, West Tamworth, Westdale, Wherrol Flat, White Rock, Whoota, Wilbetree, Williamtown, Willina, Willow Tree, Willow Vale, Wimbledon, Windera, Wingen, Wingham, Winton, Wisemans Creek, Wollumboola, Wolumla, Wongarbon, Wongawilli, Woodhill, Woolomin, Wootton, Worrigee, Wuuluman, Wyrallah, Yallah, Yarrahapinni, Yarratt Forest, Yarravel, Yarrawonga, Yarrowford, Yellow Pinch, Yellow Rock, Yeoval, Yessabah, Yetholme, Yullundry
This information is indicative in nature and should only be used as a guide. The completion date of upgrades in each suburb is subject to change. Not all premises in the suburbs listed will become eligible for nbn Fixed Wireless depending on the strength of the wireless signal that can be expected at the location.
List of upgrade areas in QLD
We are progressively upgrading the existing nbn® Fixed Wireless network. The following list shows where the upgrade works are 'complete' or ‘planned’.
- Complete - initial works are complete. Faster download speeds during the busy period now available
- Planned
Abington, Adare, Adelaide Park, Agnes Water, Airdmillan, Airlie Beach, Airville, Alberton, Aldershot, Alexandra, Alice Creek, Allan, Allandale, Allenview, Alligator Creek, Allingham, Allora, Alloway, Aloomba, Alva, Amamoor, Amamoor Creek, Amiens, Anakie Siding, Anderleigh, Anthony, Antigua, Apple Tree Creek, Applethorpe, Araluen, Aratula, Armstrong Beach, Armstrong Creek, Arriga, Ascot, Ashfield, Ashwell, Athol, Atkinsons Dam, Aubigny, Avenell Heights, Avoca, Avondale, Ayr, Babinda, Bahrs Scrub, Bakers Creek, Balberra, Bald Knob, Ball Bay, Balnagowan, Bamboo, Bamboo Creek, Bangalee, Banks Pocket, Bapaume, Barambah, Bargara, Barker Creek Flat, Barlil, Barlows Hill, Barmaryee, Barney View, Barratta, Barringha, Bauple, Bauple Forest, Beach Holm, Beachmere, Beaudesert, Beaver Rock, Beelbi Creek, Beenaam Valley, Beerburrum, Beerwah, Belivah, Bell, Bellenden Ker, Belli Park, Bellmere, Belvedere, Bemerside, Benair, Benarkin, Benarkin North, Benholme, Benobble, Bentley Park, Berat, Biarra, Biboohra, Biddeston, Bidwill, Biggenden, Bilyana, Birnam, Black Mountain, Black River, Blackbutt, Blackbutt North, Blackbutt South, Blackrock, Blacksoil, Blantyre, Blenheim, Blue Mountain Heights, Bluewater, Bluewater Park, Bohle Plains, Bollier, Bombeeta, Bon Accord, Bondoola, Bonnie Doon, Bony Mountain, Boodua, Boogan, Booie, Boonah, Boonooroo, Boonooroo Plains, Booral, Borallon, Boreen Point, Bowen, Bowenville, Boynewood, Bracalba, Braemeadows, Braemore, Brandon, Brandy Creek, Branyan, Brightly, Brightview, Bringalily, Broadwater, Bromelton, Brookhill, Brooklands, Brooloo, Broxburn, Brymaroo, Buaraba, Bucca, Buccan, Budgee, Bukali, Bullcamp, Bullyard, Bunburra, Bundaberg East, Bundaberg North, Bungadoo, Bungundarra, Bunjurgen, Bunya, Bunya Creek, Bunya Mountains, Burgowan, Burnett Heads, Burrum Heads, Burrum River, Burrum Town, Buxton, Byee, Cabarlah, Caboolture, Caffey, Cainbable, Calavos, Calen, Calico Creek, Calvert, Cambooya, Camp Creek, Campbells Pocket, Campwin Beach, Canina, Canningvale, Cannon Creek, Cannon Valley, Cannonvale, Canungra, Cape Cleveland, Cape Gloucester, Cape Hillsborough, Captains Mountain, Carbrook, Carmila, Carmoo, Carpendale, Carstairs, Carters Ridge, Cashmere, Cassowary, Causeway Lake, Cawarral, Cawdor, Cedar Creek, Cedar Grove, Cedar Pocket, Cedar Vale, Cedarton, Chambers Flat, Charlestown, Charlton, Charlwood, Chatsworth, Chelmsford, Chelona, Cherbourg, Chevallum, Chewko, Childers, Churchable, Chuwar, Cinnabar, Clagiraba, Clairview, Clare, Clarendon, Clear Mountain, Clifton, Clintonvale, Clontarf, Closeburn, Clumber, Coal Creek, Cobraball, Coconuts, Coles Creek, Colevale, Coleyville, Colinton, College View, Como, Comoon Loop, Coochin, Coochin Creek, Cooeeimbardi, Cooktown, Coolabine, Coolabunia, Coolana, Coominya, Coonarr, Coondoo, Cooran, Cooroibah, Cooroo Lands, Coorooman, Cooroy, Cooroy Mountain, Coorumba, Cootharaba, Coowonga, Coquette Point, Cordalba, Cordelia, Corella, Corndale, Cottonvale, Coulson, Cowley, Craiglie, Craignish, Cranley, Crawford, Crediton, Cressbrook, Croftby, Crohamhurst, Cromarty, Crowley Vale, Cryna, Cullinane, Cungulla, Cunningham, Curra, Currajah, Curramore, Cushnie, Cutella, D'aguilar, Dagun, Dalcouth, Dalveen, Damascus, Danderoo, Daradgee, Darling Heights, Dayboro, Deebing Heights, Deeral, Degilbo, Delan, Delaneys Creek, Derri Derra, Derrymore, Deuchar, Devereux Creek, Devon Park, Diamond Valley, Diamondvale, Dimbulah, Dirnbir, Djarawong, Donnybrook, Doolbi, Douglas, Downsfield, Dows Creek, Draper, Drayton, Drinan, Dugandan, Duingal, Dumbleton, Dundathu, Dundowran, Dunmora, Dunnrock, Eagleby, East Deep Creek, East Greenmount, East Nanango, East Palmerston, East Russell, East Trinity, Eaton, Ebenezer, Edmonton, Eerwah Vale, Eidsvold, Eidsvold East, Elbow Valley, Electra, Elimbah, Ellangowan, Ellesmere, Ellinthorp, Elliott, Elliott Heads, Elphinstone, Emu Park, Emu Vale, England Creek, Erakala, Esk, Eton, Etty Bay, Eubenangee, Eudlo, Eukey, Eumundi, Eungella, Euramo, Evanslea, Fairney View, Fairymead, Farleigh, Farnborough, Farnsfield, Fassifern, Fassifern Valley, Federal, Felton, Ferney, Fernvale, Ferny Glen, Ficks Crossing, Finch Hatton, Finlayvale, Finnie, Fishermans Pocket, Fishery Falls, Fitzgerald Creek, Flagstone Creek, Fletcher, Fleurbaix, Flying Fox, Forest Hill, Forest Springs, Foresthome, Formartin, Forrest Beach, Foulden, Frazerview, Fredericksfield, Freestone, Frenches Creek, Freshwater Point, Fulham, Gairloch, Gargett, Garradunga, Gatton, Gayndah, Germantown, Gheerulla, Gilberton, Gilla, Gilldora, Gin Gin, Giru, Givelda, Gladfield, Glamorgan Vale, Glan Devon, Glass House Mountains, Glastonbury, Glen Aplin, Glen Cairn, Glen Niven, Glenarbon, Glencoe, Glenden, Gleneagle, Glenella, Glenfern, Glengallan, Glenlogan, Glenorchy, Glenore Grove, Glenrae, Glenvale, Glenwood, Goldsborough, Gooburrum, Goodger, Goodwood, Googa Creek, Goolman, Goomboorian, Goombungee, Goomburra, Goondi, Goondi Bend, Goondi Hill, Goondiwindi, Gordonbrook, Gordonvale, Gowrie Junction, Gowrie Little Plain, Gowrie Mountain, Grahams Creek, Grandchester, Grantham, Granville, Grasstree Beach, Grays Gate, Green Hill, Greenlands, Greenmount, Greens Creek, Greenview, Greenwood, Gregors Creek, Gregory River, Greymare, Groper Creek, Guanaba, Gumlow, Gumlu, Gunalda, Gympie, Habana, Haigslea, Haliday Bay, Halifax, Haly Creek, Hampden, Hampton, Harlin, Harrisville, Hatton Vale, Hawkins Creek, Hay Point, Hazeldean, Headington Hill, Helens Hill, Helidon, Helidon Spa, Hendon, Hidden Valley, Highfields, Highland Plains, Highvale, Hirstglen, Hodgleigh, Holmview, Home Hill, Homebush, Horseshoe Lagoon, Horton, Howard, Hoya, Hudson, Hull Heads, Ideraway, Ilbilbie, Ilkley, Imbil, Ingham, Inkerman, Innes Park, Innisfail, Innisfail Estate, Innisplain, Inverlaw, Inverness, Iredale, Ironbark, Irongate, Ironpot, Irvingdale, Isis Central, Isis River, Island Plantation, Ivory Creek, Jacobs Well, Jandowae, Jarra Creek, Jarvisfield, Jeebropilly, Jensen, Jimboomba, Jimbour East, Jimbour West, Johnstown, Jondaryan, Jones Hill, Josephville, Jubilee Heights, Julago, Julatten, Junabee, Kagaru, Kalbar, Kalkie, Kandanga, Kandanga Creek, Kanigan, Kapaldo, Karara, Karrabin, Kawungan, Kelso, Kelvinhaugh, Kenilworth, Kensington, Kents Lagoon, Kents Pocket, Kentville, Kepnock, Kerry, Kholo, Kia Ora, Kidaman Creek, Kilcoy, Kilkivan, Killaloe, Killarney, Kin Kin, Kinchant Dam, King Scrub, Kingaroy, Kings Creek, Kings Siding, Kingsholme, Kingsthorpe, Kinka Beach, Kinkuna, Kirknie, Kirwan, Knapp Creek, Koah, Kobble Creek, Kooroongarra, Koumala, Kulgun, Kullogum, Kumbia, Kunioon, Kuranda, Kurumbul, Kurwongbah, Kuttabul, Kybong, Kyoomba, Laceys Creek, Lagoon Pocket, Laidley, Laidley Creek West, Laidley Heights, Laidley North, Laidley South, Lake Clarendon, Lake Macdonald, Lake Mary, Lakeside, Lammermoor, Landsborough, Lanefield, Langshaw, Lannercost, Laravale, Lark Hill, Lavelle, Lawes, Leslie, Leslie Dam, Leyburn, Lilydale, Lilyvale, Limestone Creek, Limestone Ridges, Linthorpe, Linville, Little Mulgrave, Loch Lomond, Lockrose, Lockyer, Lockyer Waters, Logan Reserve, Logan Village, Long Flat, Lower Cowley, Lower Cressbrook, Lower Mount Walker, Lower Tenthill, Lower Tully, Lower Wonga, Lowood, Lucinda, Luscombe, Lynam, Lynford, Ma Ma Creek, Maaroom, Mackay Harbour, Macknade, Magnolia, Maidenwell, Majors Creek, Maleny, Malu, Manapouri, Mandalay, Mannuem, Manyung, Marburg, Mareeba, Marian, Maroondan, Martyville, Maryborough, Maryborough West, Marys Creek, Maryvale, Massie, Maudsland, Mcdesme, Mcewens Beach, Mcilwraith, Mcintosh Creek, Meadowvale, Melawondi, Meldale, Memerambi, Mena Creek, Meringandan West, Mia Mia, Miallo, Mighell, Milbong, Milford, Millmerran, Millwood, Milora, Minden, Mirani, Missen Flat, Miva, Moffatdale, Mon Repos, Mona Park, Mondure, Monkland, Monto, Moodlu, Moogerah, Moolboolaman, Mooloo, Mooloolah Valley, Moombra, Moondooner, Moonford, Moore, Moorina, Moorland, Morayfield, Moresby, Morgan Park, Morton Vale, Morwincha, Mossman, Mossman Gorge, Mothar Mountain, Motley, Mount Alford, Mount Archer, Mount Barney, Mount Beppo, Mount Berryman, Mount Chalmers, Mount Colliery, Mount Debateable, Mount Delaney, Mount Edwards, Mount Emlyn, Mount Forbes, Mount French, Mount Hallen, Mount Irving, Mount Jukes, Mount Julian, Mount Kelly, Mount Kilcoy, Mount Kynoch, Mount Lawless, Mount Louisa, Mount Low, Mount Marlow, Mount Marrow, Mount Marshall, Mount Martin, Mount Mee, Mount Mellum, Mount Molar, Mount Molloy, Mount Moriah, Mount Nathan, Mount Ossa, Mount Pelion, Mount Perry, Mount Peter, Mount Pleasant, Mount Samson, Mount Sheridan, Mount Sturt, Mount Surround, Mount Sylvia, Mount Tabor, Mount Tarampa, Mount Tully, Mount Tyson, Mount Walker, Mount Whitestone, Mourilyan, Mourilyan Harbour, Mowbray, Moy Pocket, Muirlea, Mulara, Mulgildie, Mulgowie, Munbilla, Munbura, Mundoo, Mundoolun, Mundowran, Mundubbera, Mungar, Mungungo, Muniganeen, Munro Plains, Murgon, Murphys Creek, Murray Upper, Murrays Bridge, Murrigal, Mutchilba, Mutdapilly, Nahrunda, Nanango, Nankin, Narangba, Neerdie, Nerada, Netherdale, Neumgna, Neurum, Neusa Vale, Nevilton, New Harbourline, Newell, Nikenbah, Nindaroo, Nindooinbah, Ningi, No 6 Branch, Nobby, Nome, Noosa North Shore, North Branch, North Deep Creek, North Eton, North Gregory, North Isis, North Mackay, North Maclean, Norwell, Nukku, Nundubbermere, Oak Valley, Oakdale, Oakenden, Oakey, Oakhurst, Oakwood, Oaky Creek, Obi Obi, O'briens Hill, Obum Obum, Ocean View, Ooralea, Ormeau, Ormeau Hills, Osborne, Ottaba, Owanyilla, Owens Creek, Pacific Haven, Pacific Heights, Packers Camp, Paddys Green, Paget, Palen Creek, Palmwoods, Palmyra, Patrick Estate, Peachester, Peacock Siding, Peak Crossing, Pialba, Pie Creek, Pilerwa, Pilton, Pimpama, Pimpimbudgee, Pin Gin Hill, Pinbarren, Pindi Pindi, Pine Creek, Pine Mountain, Pinnacle, Pinnacles, Pioneers Rest, Pittsworth, Placid Hills, Plainland, Pleystowe, Point Vernon, Pomona, Poona, Port Douglas, Postmans Ridge, Pozieres, Pratten, Prawle, Prenzlau, Promisedland, Proston, Purga, Purrawunda, Qunaba, Racecourse, Radford, Ramsay, Rangewood, Rasmussen, Rathdowney, Redbank Creek, Redgate, Redland Bay, Redridge, Regency Downs, Reids Creek, Richmond, Ridgewood, Rifle Range, Ringtail Creek, Ringwood, Riordanvale, Rita Island, Riverbend, Roadvale, Rockingham, Rocksberg, Rockside, Rocky Point, Rodgers Creek, Ropeley, Rosehill, Rosella, Roseneath, Rosenthal Heights, Rosevale, Rosewood, Ross Creek, Rossvale, Round Hill, Royston, Rubyanna, Rubyvale, Running Creek, Runnymede, Rural View, Ryeford, Sabine, Samford Valley, Samsonvale, Sandiford, Sandy Camp, Sandy Creek, Sandy Pocket, Sandy Ridges, Sapphire Central, Sarabah, Sarina, Sarina Beach, Sarina Range, Saunders Beach, Scotchy Pocket, Scrub Creek, Scrubby Creek, Seaforth, Selene, Septimus, Seventeen Seventy, Severnlea, Sexton, Shannonvale, Sharon, Shaw, Sheep Station Creek, Shirbourne, Silky Oak, Silver Ridge, Silver Spur, Silverdale, Silverleaf, Silverleigh, Silverwood, Skyring Reserve, Sladevale, Somme, South Bingera, South East Nanango, South Innisfail, South Isis, South Johnstone, South Kolan, South Maclean, South Mission Beach, South Nanango, Southbrook, Southside, Speewah, Split Yard Creek, Spring Creek, Springsure, St Helens, St Helens Beach, St Kilda, St Lawrence, St Mary, St Ruth, Stalworth, Stanmore, Stanthorpe, Stapylton, Steiglitz, Stockleigh, Stockton, Stoneleigh, Stony Creek, Storm King, Stoters Hill, Sugarloaf, Summerholm, Sundown, Sunnyside, Sunshine Acres, Susan River, Swan Creek, Swanfels, Taabinga, Tablelands, Tabooba, Tabragalba, Takura, Talgai, Tallegalla, Tamaree, Tamborine, Tamborine Mountain, Tamrookum, Tamrookum Creek, Tanby, Tandora, Tandur, Tannymorel, Tarampa, Tarome, Taromeo, Tarong, Taroomball, Taylors Beach, Te Kowai, Teddington, Teelah, Templin, Teviotville, Texas, Thabeban, Thagoona, The Bluff, The Caves, The Dawn, The Falls, The Gemfields, The Glen, The Head, The Hermitage, The Leap, The Palms, The Summit, Theebine, Thorndale, Thornton, Three Moon, Thulimbah, Tiaro, Tinana, Tinana South, Tinbeerwah, Tingoora, Tirroan, Tivoli, Toobanna, Toogoolawah, Toolakea, Toolara Forest, Toolburra, Toorbul, Torbanlea, Torrington, Traveston, Trebonne, Tuan, Tuchekoi, Tully, Tully Heads, Tummaville, Tungamull, Turallin, Two Mile, Umbiram, Upper Caboolture, Upper Daradgee, Upper Flagstone, Upper Freestone, Upper Glastonbury, Upper Haughton, Upper Kandanga, Upper Lockyer, Upper Tenthill, Upper Wheatvale, Upper Yarraman, Urangan, Urraween, Utchee Creek, Vale View, Vasa Views, Veradilla, Veresdale, Veresdale Scrub, Vernor, Veteran, Victoria Hill, Victoria Plains, Victoria Plantation, Victory Heights, Villeneuve, Vinegar Hill, Walkamin, Walkers Point, Walkerston, Wallaces Creek, Wallangarra, Wallaville, Walligan, Walloon, Wamuran, Wamuran Basin, Wangan, Wangaratta, Wanora, Warrami, Warrill View, Warrubullen, Warwick, Washpool, Waterford, Wattle Camp, Wattle Grove, Wattlebank, Waugh Pocket, Webb, Welcome Creek, Wellcamp, Wengenville, West Mackay, West Prairie, Westbrook, Wheatlands, Wheatvale, Whetstone, Whyanbeel, Widgee, Widgee Crossing North, Widgee Crossing South, Wildash, Willowbank, Willowvale, Wilsons Plains, Wilsons Pocket, Windermere, Winwill, Winya, Witheren, Wivenhoe Hill, Wivenhoe Pocket, Wiyarra, Wolffdene, Wolvi, Womina, Wondai, Wonga Beach, Wonglepong, Woodbury, Woodford, Woodgate, Woodhill, Woodlands, Woodmillar, Woodstock, Woodwark, Woolmar, Woolmer, Woolooga, Woolooman, Woolshed, Woondum, Woongarra, Woongoolba, Wooroolin, Woowoonga, Wrights Creek, Wyalla, Wyreema, Yabulu, Yalangur, Yalboroo, Yandilla, Yangan, Yargullen, Yarraman, Yatala, Yelarbon, Yengarie, Yeppoon, Yerra, Yimbun, Yugar
Alabama Hill, Alberta, Alton Downs, Ambrose, Anduramba, Atherton, Baffle Creek, Balgowan, Ballard, Balmoral Ridge, Banana, Baralaba, Baree, Barnard, Barrine, Bartle Frere, Beatrice, Beecher, Bells Bridge, Benaraby, Berajondo, Bergen, Biloela, Bingil Bay, Birkalla, Black Jack, Blanchview, Bli Bli, Bloomsbury, Bororen, Bouldercombe, Boyne Island, Boyne Valley, Boynedale, Bramston Beach, Breadalbane, Breddan, Bridges, Brookstead, Broughton, Bulgun, Bungil, Burnside, Burua, Butchers Creek, Callemondah, Callide, Calliope, Carrington, Charters Towers City, Collinsville, Colosseum, Columbia, Condamine, Condamine Plains, Conondale, Conway, Conway Beach, Cooloolabin, Cooyar, Cowley Beach, Cowley Creek, Crows Nest, Crystal Brook, Dakenba, Dalby, Dalma, Danbulla, Dargal Road, Daveson, Diddillibah, Dingo Beach, Dirranbandi, Djuan, Doctor Creek, Doonan, Drillham, Dulacca, Dulong, Dumgree, East Barron, East End, East Feluga, El Arish, Elaman Creek, Ellinjaa, Emu Creek, Etna Creek, Euthulla, Evergreen, Fairy Bower, Feluga, Flaxton, Forest Glen, Foxdale, Friday Pocket, Garners Beach, Geham, Glen Allyn, Glen Isla, Glenaven, Glendale, Glenlee, Glenmoral, Goolboo, Gracemere, Granadilla, Grapetree, Groomsville, Grosmont, Haden, Hamilton Creek, Hamilton Plains, Herberton, Hideaway Bay, Highworth, Hodgson Vale, Horse Creek, Hunchy, Image Flat, Isla, Jaffa, Jaggan, Japoonvale, Jones Gully, Kabra, Kaimkillenbun, Kairi, Kalunga, Kawana, Kearneys Spring, Kelsey Creek, Kiamba, Kiels Mountain, Kilbirnie, Kincora, Kirkwood, Kleinton, Kokotungo, Koongal, Kulpi, Kureelpa, Kureen, Kurrimine Beach, Laguna Quays, Lake Barrine, Lake Eacham, Lake Tinaroo, Lakes Creek, Landers Shoot, Lethebrook, Leydens Hill, Lissner, Lonesome Creek, Maadi, Machine Creek, Maclagan, Malanda, Malling, Mapleton, Marcoola, Maria Creeks, Maroochy River, Mccutcheon, Meringandan, Merritts Creek, Merryburn, Miara, Middle Ridge, Midge Point, Midgee, Midgenoo, Midgeree Bar, Miles, Millaa Millaa, Millchester, Millstream, Milman, Minbun, Miriam Vale, Mirriwinni, Montville, Moola, Moomin, Moongan, Moore Park Beach, Moranbah, Moregatta, Mosman Park, Mount Darry, Mount Garnet, Mount Larcom, Mount Luke, Mount Morgan, Mount Murchison, Mount Pluto, Mount Rascal, Mount Tom, Mountain Camp, Muldu, Mullett Creek, Mungalli, Myrtlevale, Nambour, Nebo, Ninderry, Nine Mile, No 4 Branch, No 5 Branch, Noosaville, North Arm, North Johnstone, North Maleny, Nutgrove, O'connell, Orange Creek, Orange Hill, Palmtree, Pampas, Parkhurst, Pechey, Peeramon, Peranga, Peregian Beach, Perseverance, Perwillowen, Pierces Creek, Pinelands, Pink Lily, Pirrinuan, Plainby, Port Curtis, Preston, Proserpine, Prospect, Queenton, Quinalow, Rangemore, Ravensbourne, Ravenshoe, Redwood, Reesville, Richmond Hill, Ridgelands, River Ranch, Rockyview, Rodds Bay, Roma, Rosalie Plains, Rosedale, Rosemount, Rules Beach, Scottville, Scrubby Mountain, Seventy Mile, Shell Pocket, Silkwood, Silver Creek, South Yaamba, Southern Cross, Springlands, Springside, St George, Strathdickie, Struck Oil, Tanawha, Tara, Taroom, Tarzali, Thangool, The Gums, The Mine, Theodore, Tinaroo, Tingun, Tolga, Toll, Top Camp, Topaz, Towen Mountain, Towers Hill, Trotter Creek, Tumoulin, Turkey Beach, Upper Barron, Upper Cooyar Creek, Upper Pinelands, Valdora, Valentine Plains, Verrierdale, Wallumbilla, Wallumbilla North, Walter Lever Estate, Walterhall, Wandoan, West Stowe, West Woombye, Weyba Downs, Wilson Beach, Winfield, Withcott, Witta, Wondecla, Wongabel, Wooderson, Woombye, Woopen Creek, Wooroonooran, Wurdong Heights, Wutul, Yaamba, Yandaran, Yandina, Yandina Creek, Yarranlea, Yungaburra
This information is indicative in nature and should only be used as a guide. The completion date of upgrades in each suburb is subject to change. Not all premises in the suburbs listed will become eligible for nbn Fixed Wireless depending on the strength of the wireless signal that can be expected at the location.
List of upgrade areas in VIC
We are progressively upgrading the existing nbn® Fixed Wireless network. The following list shows where the upgrade works are 'complete' or ‘planned’.
- Complete - initial works are complete. Faster download speeds during the busy period now available
- Planned
Acheron, Addington, Alexandra, Alfredton, Allans Flat, Allansford, Allendale, Allestree, Almurta, Alvie, Anakie, Anderson, Apollo Bay, Arapiles, Arcadia, Arcadia South, Archdale, Archdale Junction, Ardmona, Armstrong, Armstrong Creek, Arthurs Creek, Arthurs Seat, Ascot, Ashbourne, Athlone, Avalon, Avenel, Avonmore, Avonsleigh, Axe Creek, Axedale, Ayrford, Bacchus Marsh, Baddaginnie, Badger Creek, Bagshot, Bagshot North, Bailieston, Bairnsdale, Bald Hills, Balintore, Ballan, Ballangeich, Ballapur, Ballarat East, Balliang, Balliang East, Balmattum, Balmoral, Balnarring, Bamawm, Bamawm Extension, Bambra, Bamganie, Bandiana, Bangerang, Banksia Peninsula, Bannockburn, Baranduda, Barjarg, Barnadown, Barnawartha, Barnawartha North, Barongarook, Barongarook West, Barrabool, Barraport, Barunah Park, Barwite, Barwon Downs, Bass, Batesford, Bathumi, Baxter, Bayles, Beaconsfield, Beaconsfield Upper, Bealiba, Bearii, Bears Lagoon, Beazleys Bridge, Beeac, Beech Forest, Beechworth, Belgrave South, Bell Post Hill, Bellarine, Bellbrae, Bellbridge, Bellellen, Bells Beach, Benalla, Benambra, Bend Of Islands, Berringa, Berwick, Bessiebelle, Bete Bolong, Bethanga, Beulah, Beveridge, Big Hill, Birchip, Birchip West, Birdwoodton, Birregurra, Bittern, Black Range, Blackwood, Blampied, Blind Bight, Blowhard, Bo Peep, Bobinawarrah, Bochara, Boho, Bolinda, Bolwarra, Bolwarrah, Bonegilla, Boneo, Bonn, Bonnie Brook, Bonnie Doon, Bonshaw, Boole Poole, Boolite, Boomahnoomoonah, Boorhaman, Boorhaman East, Boorhaman North, Boorolite, Boort, Boralma, Borung, Botanic Ridge, Bowmans Forest, Bowser, Bradvale, Branxholme, Breakaway Creek, Breamlea, Brenanah, Brewster, Bridge Creek, Bridgewater North, Bright, Brim, Brimin, Broadlands, Broadwater, Brodribb River, Brookfield, Broomfield, Brown Hill, Browns Plains, Bruarong, Brucknell, Bruthen, Buchan, Buchan South, Buckley, Buckley Swamp, Budgeree, Buffalo River, Bulart, Bulla, Bullarook, Bullarto, Bullarto South, Bullengarook, Bumberrah, Bunbartha, Bundalong, Bundalong South, Bunding, Bungador, Bungal, Bungalally, Bungaree, Bunguluke, Buninyong, Bunkers Hill, Bunyip, Bunyip North, Burkes Bridge, Burramboot, Burramine, Burramine South, Burrumbeet, Bushfield, Buxton, Byaduk, Byaduk North, Byawatha, Bylands, Byrneside, Cabarita, Cabbage Tree, Cadello, Caldermeade, California Gully, Calivil, Callignee, Calulu, Cambrian Hill, Caniambo, Cannons Creek, Cannum, Cape Bridgewater, Cape Clear, Cape Schanck, Carag Carag, Caramut, Cardigan, Cardigan Village, Cardinia, Cardross, Carlisle River, Carlsruhe, Carlyle, Carngham, Carpendeit, Carranballac, Carwarp, Cashmore, Castle Creek, Catani, Catumnal, Cavendish, Ceres, Charlemont, Chatsworth, Chepstowe, Chesney Vale, Chiltern, Chiltern Valley, Chintin, Chirnside Park, Christmas Hills, Churchill, Churchill Island, Clarendon, Claretown, Clarkefield, Clarkes Hill, Clifton Creek, Clunes, Clyde, Clyde North, Cobaw, Cobblebank, Cobden, Cobram, Cobram East, Cockatoo, Codrington, Coghills Creek, Cohuna, Coimadai, Colac, Colac Colac, Colac East, Colac West, Colbinabbin, Colbrook, Coldstream, Colignan, Concongella, Condah, Condah Swamp, Congupna, Connewarre, Cooma, Coomboona, Coomoora, Cooriemungle, Cope Cope, Cora Lynn, Corack East, Coragulac, Coral Bank, Corindhap, Corinella, Corio, Cornella, Cornishtown, Corop, Cororooke, Corringle, Corryong, Corunnun, Cosgrove, Cosgrove South, Cottles Bridge, Cowleys Creek, Craigieburn, Cranbourne North, Cranbourne South, Creek Junction, Creek View, Creightons Creek, Cressy, Creswick, Creswick North, Crib Point, Crossley, Croxton East, Crymelon, Cudgee, Cudgewa, Cullen, Cundare, Curdies River, Curdievale, Curlewis, Dales Creek, Dalmore, Daltons Bridge, Darley, Darlington, Darraweit Guim, Daylesford, Dean, Deans Marsh, Deanside, Dederang, Deep Lead, Delacombe, Delatite, Dennington, Denver, Dereel, Derrinal, Devils River, Devon Meadows, Dewhurst, Dhurringile, Diamond Creek, Diggers Rest, Dimboola, Dinner Plain, Dixons Creek, Docker, Dockers Plains, Doctors Flat, Don Valley, Donald, Donnybrook, Dooen, Dookie, Dookie College, Doreen, Dreeite, Dreeite South, Driffield, Dromana, Drouin South, Drumanure, Drumborg, Drummond, Drummond North, Drung, Drysdale, Duchembegarra, Dumosa, Dunkeld, Dunluce, Dunnstown, Durham Lead, Dutton Way, Duverney, Eagle Point, Eaglehawk, Earlston, East Bairnsdale, East Wangaratta, Eastwood, Ebden, Echuca, Echuca Village, Echuca West, Ecklin South, Eden Park, Edgecombe, Edi, Edi Upper, Eganstown, Eildon, Elaine, Eldorado, Ellaswood, Ellerslie, Elliminyt, Ellinbank, Elmore, Elphinstone, Emerald, Emu, Emu Creek, Enfield, Englefield, Ensay, Ensay North, Eppalock, Epsom, Ercildoune, Esmond, Eurack, Euroa, Eurobin, Everton, Everton Upper, Exford, Eynesbury, Fawcett, Fern Hill, Fieldstone, Fiery Flat, Fingal, Flaggy Creek, Flinders, Flowerdale, Forge Creek, Forrest, Fosterville, Framlingham, Fraser Rise, Freshwater Creek, Fyans Creek, Fyansford, Gannawarra, Gapsted, Garfield, Garfield North, Garibaldi, Gatum, Gellibrand, Gembrook, Gerang Gerung, Gerangamete, Germania, Gerrigerrup, Gherang, Gheringhap, Gil Gil, Gillieston, Girgarre, Girgarre East, Gisborne, Gisborne South, Gladysdale, Glen Creek, Glen Forbes, Glen Park, Glenaladale, Glenalbyn, Glendaruel, Glendonald, Glenfyne, Glengarry, Glenlee, Glenlyon, Glenrowan, Glenrowan West, Gnarwarre, Gobarup, Goldie, Gong Gong, Goomalibee, Goon Nure, Gooramadda, Goorambat, Goornong, Gooroc, Gorae, Gorae West, Gordon, Goughs Bay, Goulburn Weir, Gowar East, Grahamvale, Grangefields, Granite Rock, Grantville, Grassmere, Graytown, Gre Gre, Gre Gre North, Great Western, Greendale, Greenhill, Greens Creek, Grenville, Greta, Greta West, Gringegalgona, Gruyere, Gunbower, Gundowring, Guys Hill, Haddon, Hallora, Halls Gap, Hamilton, Hamlyn Heights, Hansonville, Happy Valley, Harcourt North, Harkaway, Harkness, Harston, Hastings, Haven, Hawkesdale, Hazeldene, Hazelwood North, Hazelwood South, Healesville, Heath Hill, Heathmere, Hensley Park, Herne Hill, Hernes Oak, Hesket, Hexham, Heytesbury Lower, Heywood, Hillcrest, Hillside, Hinnomunjie, Hoddles Creek, Homerton, Hopetoun, Hopetoun Park, Horfield, Horsham, Hotspur, Howes Creek, Howqua, Howqua Inlet, Humevale, Huntly, Huntly North, Huon, Huon Creek, Hurstbridge, Iguana Creek, Illabarook, Illawarra, Illowa, Indented Head, Indigo Valley, Inglewood, Ingliston, Invergordon, Inverleigh, Invermay, Iona, Iraak, Irrewarra, Irrewillipe, Irrewillipe East, Irymple, Jam Jerrup, Jamieson, Jan Juc, Jancourt East, Jarrahmond, Jeeralang, Jeeralang Junction, Jeetho, Jeparit, Jil Jil, Jindivick, Johnsonville, Jung, Junortoun, Kaarimba, Kalimna, Kalimna West, Kalkallo, Kalkee, Kallista, Kangaroo Flat, Kangaroo Ground, Kanyapella, Karabeal, Karramomus, Karyrie, Katamatite, Katandra, Katandra West, Katunga, Kawarren, Keely, Keilor North, Kellalac, Kelvin View, Kennedys Creek, Kergunyah, Kergunyah South, Kernot, Kerrie, Kewell, Kialla, Kialla East, Kialla West, Kiewa, Killara, Killarney, Killawarra, Kimbolton, Kinglake Central, Kinglake West, Kingston, Kinnabulla, Kinypanial, Kirkstall, Kirwans Bridge, Kithbrook, Knebsworth, Knowsley, Kolora, Koo Wee Rup, Koo Wee Rup North, Koonoomoo, Koorlong, Kooroocheang, Koriella, Korobeit, Koroit, Korong Vale, Kotta, Koyuga, Krowera, Kurraca, Kurting, Kurunjang, Kyabram, Kyabram South, Kyneton, Kyneton South, Kyvalley, Labertouche, Laceby, Ladys Pass, Laen, Laen East, Laen North, Lah, Lake Bolac, Lake Bunga, Lake Fyans, Lake Lonsdale, Lake Rowan, Lake Tyers Beach, Lake Wongan, Lakes Entrance, Lal Lal, Lancaster, Lancefield, Lang Lang, Lang Lang East, Langdons Hill, Langi Kal Kal, Langley, Langwarrin, Langwarrin South, Lara, Lardner, Larpent, Launching Place, Lauriston, Lavers Hill, Lawrence, Leaghur, Learmonth, Leigh Creek, Leitchville, Lemnos, Leneva, Leopold, Lethbridge, Lilliput, Lilydale, Lindenow, Lindenow South, Linton, Litchfield, Little Hampton, Little River, Loch, Locksley, Logan, Londrigan, Long Forest, Longerenong, Longlea, Longwarry, Longwarry North, Longwood, Longwood East, Lovely Banks, Lower Norton, Lucas, Lucknow, Lurg, Lyonville, Macarthur, Macclesfield, Macedon, Macorna, Macorna North, Macs Cove, Maddingley, Magpie, Maiden Gully, Mailors Flat, Main Ridge, Maindample, Maintongoon, Major Plains, Malmsbury, Mambourin, Mandurang, Mandurang South, Mangalore, Mannerim, Mannibadar, Mansfield, Marcus Hill, Marengo, Marionvale, Markwood, Marlbed, Marlo, Maroona, Marungi, Maryknoll, Maryvale, Maude, Mckenzie Creek, Mcmillans, Mead, Meadow Creek, Melbourne Airport, Melton, Melton South, Melton West, Melville Forest, Mena Park, Mepunga, Mepunga East, Mepunga West, Merbein, Merbein South, Merbein West, Meredith, Mernda, Merriang, Merriang South, Merricks, Merricks Beach, Merricks North, Merrigum, Merrijig, Merrimu, Metcalfe, Metcalfe East, Metung, Mickleham, Miepoll, Milawa, Mildura, Millbrook, Millgrove, Milnes Bridge, Mincha West, Miners Rest, Minhamite, Mininera, Minjah, Minmindie, Minyip, Mitchell Park, Mitre, Modella, Modewarre, Moglonemby, Mokepilly, Molka, Mollongghip, Monbulk, Monegeetta, Mongans Bridge, Monomeith, Moolerr, Moora, Moorabool, Mooralla, Moorilim, Moorooduc, Mooroopna, Mooroopna North, Mooroopna North West, Moriac, Mornington, Morrisons, Mortlake, Morton Plains, Morwell, Mossiface, Mount Beauty, Mount Bolton, Mount Burnett, Mount Bute, Mount Camel, Mount Clear, Mount Cottrell, Mount Doran, Mount Duneed, Mount Egerton, Mount Eliza, Mount Emu, Mount Evelyn, Mount Helen, Mount Macedon, Mount Major, Mount Martha, Mount Mercer, Mount Moriac, Mount Napier, Mount Prospect, Mount Rowan, Mount Taylor, Mount Toolebewong, Mount Wallace, Mountain Bay, Mountain View, Moutajup, Moyhu, Moyston, Mt Taylor, Muckatah, Mudgegonga, Mundoona, Murchison, Murchison East, Murchison North, Murgheboluc, Murmungee, Murra Warra, Murroon, Murtoa, Musk, Muskerry, Myamyn, Myola, Myrniong, Myrtleford, Mysia, Mywee, Nagambie, Nalangil, Nalinga, Nangana, Nangiloc, Nanneella, Napoleons, Nar Nar Goon, Nar Nar Goon North, Nareeb, Nariel Valley, Naring, Naringal, Narraport, Narrawong, Narre Warren East, Narre Warren North, Natimuk, Navigators, Nerrin Nerrin, Nerrina, New Gisborne, Newfield, Newham, Newlands Arm, Newlyn, Newlyn North, Newmerella, Newtown, Nichols Point, Nicholson, Nintingbool, Nirranda, Nirranda East, Nirranda South, Noradjuha, Norong, North Blackwood, North Wangaratta, North Warrandyte, Northwood, Nowa Nowa, Nullawarre, Nullawarre North, Nungurner, Nutfield, Nyerimilang, Nyora, Oaklands Junction, Ocean Grove, Officer, Officer South, Omeo, Ondit, Orbost, Orford, Orrvale, Osbornes Flat, Ovens, Oxley, Oxley Flats, Paaratte, Pakenham, Pakenham South, Pakenham Upper, Panmure, Panton Hill, Paraparap, Parwan, Patho, Paynesville, Pearcedale, Peechelba, Peechelba East, Pelluebla, Pennyroyal, Penshurst, Pentland Hills, Peterborough, Petticoat Creek, Pheasant Creek, Pigeon Ponds, Piggoreet, Pimpinio, Pine Lodge, Pipers Creek, Piries, Pirron Yallock, Pitfield, Pittong, Plenty, Plumpton, Point Leo, Pomborneit East, Pomonal, Pompapiel, Pootilla, Poowong, Poowong East, Poowong North, Porcupine Ridge, Port Campbell, Port Fairy, Portarlington, Portland, Portland North, Portland West, Powlett Plains, Pranjip, Princetown, Purnim, Purnim West, Pyramid Hill, Quantong, Queenscliff, Queensferry, Rainbow, Raymond Island, Raywood, Red Cliffs, Red Hill, Red Hill South, Redcastle, Research, Rhymney, Rich Avon, Riddells Creek, Riggs Creek, Ripplebrook, Riverside, Rochford, Rockbank, Rocklands, Rocklyn, Rokewood, Rokewood Junction, Romsey, Rosebrook, Rosebud, Rosewhite, Roslynmead, Ross Creek, Rossbridge, Rowsley, Rubicon, Running Creek, Runnymede, Rupanyup, Rushworth, Russells Bridge, Rutherglen, Rye, Rythdale, Safety Beach, Salisbury West, San Remo, Sarsfield, Scarsdale, Scotchmans Lead, Scotsburn, Scotts Creek, Seaview, Sebastopol, Sedgwick, Selby, Serpentine, Seville, Seville East, She Oaks, Sheep Hills, Shelford, Shepparton, Shepparton East, Shepparton North, Shoreham, Silvan, Simpson, Skenes Creek, Skinners Flat, Skipton, Slaty Creek, Smeaton, Smiths Gully, Smokeytown, Smythes Creek, Smythesdale, Snake Valley, Somers, Somerville, South Morang, Southern Cross, Spring Gully, Spring Hill, Springbank, Springdallah, Springfield, Springhurst, Springmount, St Andrews, St Arnaud, St Arnaud East, St Arnaud North, St Germains, St Helens, St James, St Leonards, Staffordshire Reef, Staghorn Flat, Stanhope, Stanhope South, Stanley, Stavely, Stawell, Steels Creek, Stewarton, Stonehaven, Stoneleigh, Stonyford, Strath Creek, Strathallan, Strathbogie, Strathewen, Strathfieldsaye, Strathkellar, Strathmerton, Strathtulloh, Streatham, Strzelecki, Sulky, Sunbury, Sutherland, Sutherlands Creek, Sutton Grange, Swan Marsh, Swan Reach, Swanpool, Swifts Creek, Tabilk, Tabor, Taggerty, Talgarno, Tallygaroopna, Tambo Upper, Taminick, Tamleugh, Tangambalanga, Taradale, Tarneit, Tarnook, Tarranyurk, Tarrawarra, Tarrawingee, Tarrington, Tarrone, Tatura, Tatura East, Tatyoon, Tawonga, Tawonga South, Taylor Bay, Teddywaddy West, Teesdale, Telford, Terang, Terrappee, Tetoora Road, Thalia, The Cove, The Gurdies, The Patch, The Sisters, Thornhill Park, Thornton, Thowgla Valley, Timboon, Timboon West, Timmering, Tolmie, Tongala, Tongio, Tonimbuk, Toolamba, Toolamba West, Toolern Vale, Toolleen, Toolong, Tooradin, Toorloo Arm, Torquay, Torrumbarry, Torwood, Tourello, Tower Hill, Towong, Towong Upper, Tragowel, Traralgon, Traralgon East, Trawalla, Trentham, Trentham East, Truganina, Tuerong, Tungamah, Tyabb, Tyers, Tylden, Tylden South, Tynong, Tynong North, Tyrendarra, Ullina, Undera, Upotipotpon, Upper Gundowring, Upper Plenty, Vasey, Vectis, Vervale, Violet Town, Vite Vite, Waarre, Waggarandall, Wahgunyah, Wahring, Wail, Waldara, Wallace, Wallacedale, Wallan, Wallington, Wallup, Walpa, Wanalta, Wandana Heights, Wandiligong, Wandin East, Wandin North, Wangandary, Wangaratta, Wangaratta South, Wangoom, Waranga, Waranga Shores, Warburton, Wargan, Warmur, Warncoort, Warrabkook, Warracknabeal, Warragul South, Warrayure, Warrenbayne, Warrenheip, Warrion, Warrnambool, Warrong, Watchem, Watsons Creek, Wattle Flat, Wattle Glen, Waurn Ponds, Weatherboard, Wedderburn, Wedderburn Junction, Wee Wee Rup, Weering, Wellsford, Wendouree, Werneth, Werona, Werribee South, Wesburn, West Bendigo, Westmere, Whanregarwen, Wharparilla, Wheatsheaf, Whipstick, Whirily, White Hills, Whittlesea, Whoorel, Whorouly, Whorouly East, Whorouly South, Whroo, Wickliffe, Wilby, Wildwood, Willatook, Willaura, Willaura North, Winchelsea, Winchelsea South, Windermere, Winslow, Winter Valley, Winton, Winton North, Wiseleigh, Wodonga, Wollert, Wonga Park, Wonwondah, Woodend, Woodend North, Woodfield, Woodford, Woodglen, Woodleigh, Woodstock, Wool Wool, Woolamai, Woolsthorpe, Woori Yallock, Wuk Wuk, Wunghnu, Wurdiboluc, Wy Yung, Wycheproof, Wycheproof South, Wyuna, Wyuna East, Yabba North, Yabba South, Yackandandah, Yalca, Yallourn, Yallourn North, Yambuk, Yambuna, Yan Yean, Yando, Yangery, Yannathan, Yarpturk, Yarra Glen, Yarra Junction, Yarrambat, Yarrawonga, Yarrawonga South, Yarroweyah, Yatchaw, Yellingbo, Yelta, Yendon, Yeo, Yeodene, Yering, Youanmite, Youarang, Yulecart, Yundool, Yuroke, Zeerust
Agnes, Airly, Alberton, Alberton West, Alma, Amor, Annuello, Appin, Appin South, Apsley, Ararat, Arawata, Archies Creek, Argyle, Arnold, Arnold West, Auchmore, Ballendella, Bannerton, Barfold, Baringhup, Baringhup West, Barkers Creek, Barmah, Baynton, Bena, Benayeo, Bendoc, Bennison, Berrys Creek, Bet Bet, Betley, Binginwarri, Boisdale, Bona Vista, Bookaar, Boolarra, Boolarra South, Boorcan, Boorool, Boosey, Bostocks Creek, Bowenvale, Bradford, Brandy Creek, Bravington, Briagolong, Bridgewater, Bridgewater On Loddon, Broadford, Bromley, Buffalo, Bullaharre, Buln Buln, Buln Buln East, Bundalaguah, Burnewang, Bushy Park, Calrossie, Campbells Creek, Campbells Forest, Camperdown, Cape Paterson, Carisbrook, Castle Donnington, Castlemaine, Cathcart, Chewton, Chewton Bushlands, Childers, Chocolyn, Clonbinane, Cloverlea, Clydebank, Coalville, Cobains, Cobrico, Coongulla, Costerfield, Cowwarr, Crossover, Dalyston, Darlimurla, Darnum, Dawson, Delburn, Delegate River, Denicull Creek, Denison, Derby, Derrinallum, Devon North, Diggora, Dingee, Dingwall, Dixie, Dobie, Dollar, Drouin, Drouin East, Drouin West, Dumbalk, Dumbalk North, Dunneworthy, Dunolly, Durham Ox, Dutson, East Sale, Eastville, Eddington, Edenhope, Elingamite, Elingamite North, Erica, Fairbank, Fairley, Fairy Dell, Faraday, Fish Creek, Flynn, Forbes, Foster, Foster North, Framlingham East, Fryerstown, Fulham, Fumina South, Gainsborough, Garvoc, Gelliondale, Gladfield, Glen Alvie, Glenaroua, Glengarry North, Glengarry West, Glenhope, Glenhope East, Glenmaggie, Glenormiston North, Glenormiston South, Gnotuk, Golden Point, Green Gully, Guildford, Harcourt, Havelock, Hazel Park, Hazelwood, Heathcote, Heathcote South, Hedley, Heyfield, High Camp, Hill End, Hilldene, Hunter, Hunterston, Inverloch, Jack River, Jancourt, Joyces Creek, Jumbunna, Kamarooka North, Kardella, Kardella South, Kariah, Katamatite East, Kerang, Kerang East, Kilcunda, Kilmany, Kilmore, Kilmore East, Kongwak, Koondrook, Koonwarra, Koornalla, Koorooman, Koroop, Korumburra, Korumburra South, Laanecoorie, Laang, Lake Boga, Lake Charm, Lake Meran, Lance Creek, Langkoop, Langsborough, Larralea, Leichardt, Leongatha, Leongatha North, Leongatha South, Lillico, Lismore, Llanelly, Llowalong, Lockington, Lockwood, Lockwood South, Loddon Vale, Longford, Loy Yang, Maffra, Maffra West Upper, Maldon, Manangatang, Manns Beach, Mardan, Marong, Mckenzie Hill, Mcloughlins Beach, Meeniyan, Mia Mia, Middle Tarwin, Milloo, Mincha, Mirboo, Mirboo North, Moe, Moe South, Moliagul, Mologa, Montgomery, Moolort, Moondarra, Moormbool West, Moranding, Mount Best, Mount Eccles, Mount Hooghly, Moyarra, Muckleford, Muckleford South, Murphys Creek, Myall, Myers Flat, Myrtle Creek, Myrtlebank, Nambrok, Naringal East, Naroghid, Narracan, Nathalia, Neereman, Neerim, Neerim East, Neerim South, Neilborough, Nerrena, Newborough, Newbridge, Newry, Newstead, Nilma, Nilma North, Noorat, Noorat East, North Wonthaggi, Norval, Nuggetty, Nulla Vale, Numurkah, Outtrim, Pearsondale, Perry Bridge, Picola, Picola West, Pine Grove, Port Albert, Port Franklin, Port Welshpool, Pound Creek, Prairie, Puckapunyal, Pyalong, Ranceby, Ravenswood, Ravenswood South, Rawson, Redesdale, Reedy Creek, Reedy Lake, Rheola, Riverslea, Robertsons Beach, Robinvale, Robinvale Irrigation District Section B, Robinvale Irrigation District Section C, Robinvale Irrigation District Section D, Robinvale Irrigation District Section E, Rochester, Rokeby, Rosedale, Ruby, Ryanston, Sailors Gully, Sale, Sandon, Sandy Point, Seaton, Sebastian, Seymour, Shady Creek, Shelbourne, Simson, Skibo, South Dudley, South Purrumbete, St Clair, Stony Creek, Stradbroke, Strangways, Stratford, Sugarloaf Creek, Sunday Creek, Swan Hill, Sylvaterre, Tallarook, Tandarook, Tandarra, Tanjil South, Tantaraboo, Tarilta, Tarnagulla, Taroon, Tarraville, Tarrengower, Tarwin, Teal Point, Tennyson, Tesbury, Thalloo, The Heart, Thorpdale, Thorpdale South, Timor, Timor West, Tinamba, Tinamba West, Tol Tol, Tooborac, Toongabbie, Toora, Toora North, Trafalgar, Trafalgar East, Trafalgar South, Traralgon South, Trawool, Tresco, Tresco West, Trida, Tyaak, Valencia Creek, Vaughan, Venus Bay, Waaia, Waanyarra, Walmer, Wandella, Wandong, Waratah Bay, Warragul, Warragul West, Waterford Park, Wattle Bank, Weerite, Welshmans Reef, Welshpool, Wemen, West Creek, Westbury, Westby, Whiteheads Creek, Whitelaw, Willow Grove, Willowmavin, Wilsons Hill, Winnindoo, Won Wron, Wonga, Wonthaggi, Wonyip, Woodside, Woodside Beach, Woodstock On Loddon, Woodstock West, Woodvale, Woorarra East, Wooreen, Wurruk, Yanakie, Yandoit, Yapeen, Yarragon, Yarragon South, Yarram, Yarrawalla, Yielima, Yinnar, Yinnar South
This information is indicative in nature and should only be used as a guide. The completion date of upgrades in each suburb is subject to change. Not all premises in the suburbs listed will become eligible for nbn Fixed Wireless depending on the strength of the wireless signal that can be expected at the location.
List of upgrade areas in ACT
We are progressively upgrading the existing nbn® Fixed Wireless network. The following list shows where the upgrade works are 'complete' or ‘planned’.
- Complete - initial works are complete. Faster download speeds during the busy period now available
- Planned
Jervis Bay
Coming soon
This information is indicative in nature and should only be used as a guide. The completion date of upgrades in each suburb is subject to change. Not all premises in the suburbs listed will become eligible for nbn Fixed Wireless depending on the strength of the wireless signal that can be expected at the location.
List of upgrade areas in WA
We are progressively upgrading the existing nbn® Fixed Wireless network. The following list shows where the upgrade works are 'complete' or ‘planned’.
- Complete - initial works are complete. Faster download speeds during the busy period now available
- Planned
Anketell, Argyle, Australind, Aveley, Bailup, Bakers Hill, Baldivis, Balingup, Ballidu, Bambun, Banjup, Bannister, Barragup, Baskerville, Bayonet Head, Bedfordale, Beechina, Beelerup, Belhus, Benger, Benjinup, Beverley, Bickley, Big Grove, Bindoon, Birchmont, Blythewood, Boddington, Boilup, Bootenal, Boundain, Bouvard, Bow Bridge, Boyanup, Boyup Brook, Breera, Bridgetown, Brigadoon, Bringo, Brookhampton, Brunswick, Buckland, Buller, Bullsbrook, Bunbury, Burekup, Burlong, Butler, Byford, Calingiri, Canning Mills, Cape Burney, Capel, Capel River, Carabooda, Carani, Cardup, Carmel, Catterick, Charley Creek, Chidlow, Chittering, Clackline, Codjatotine, College Grove, Collie, Cookernup, Coolup, Coonabidgee, Coondle, Copley, Crooked Brook, Crossman, Cuballing, Culham, Cuthbert, Dalwallinu, Dalyellup, Dardanup, Dardanup West, Darling Downs, Denmark, Dewars Pool, Donnybrook, Drome, Dumbarton, Dumberning, Dwarda, Dwellingup, East Chapman, Eglinton, Elgin, Elleker, Ellenbrook, Fairbridge, Ferguson, Forrestdale, Furnissdale, Gelorup, Georgina, Gidgegannup, Gingin, Ginginup, Gledhow, Glen Mervyn, Glenfield, Glenlynn, Granville, Grass Valley, Greenbushes, Greenfields, Greenough, Gwindinup, Hacketts Gully, Hamel, Hammond Park, Harris River, Harvey, Hastings, Hay, Haynes, Henley Brook, Henty, Herne Hill, Herron, Hester, Hester Brook, Highbury, Hilbert, Hillside, Hoddys Well, Hopeland, Irishtown, Jarrahdale, Jennapullin, Jingalup, Julimar, Jurien Bay, Kalannie, Kalgan, Kangaroo Gully, Karakin, Karnup, Karragullen, Karrakup, Kentdale, Keysbrook, King River, Kirup, Kojonup, Kokeby, Kordabup, Kronkup, Lake Clifton, Lennard Brook, Little Grove, Lowden, Lower Chittering, Lower King, Ludlow, Lumeah, Malabaine, Mandogalup, Mandurah, Maranup, Marbelup, Mardella, Mckail, Meelon, Meenaar, Meru, Middle Swan, Millbrook, Millendon, Minigin, Minnenooka, Mocardy, Mokine, Moondah, Moonyoonooka, Moora, Morangup, Moresby, Mornington, Mount Helena, Mount Melville, Muchea, Muckenburra, Mullalyup, Muluckine, Mumballup, Mundaring, Mundijong, Mungalup, Muresk, Nambeelup, Narngulu, Narra Tarra, Narrogin, Narrogin Valley, Neerabup, Nilgen, Nirimba, North Boyanup, North Dandalup, North Greenbushes, North Walpole, North Yunderup, Northam, Nowergup, Nugadong, Nullaki, Nunile, Oakford, Ocean Beach, Old Plains, Oldbury, Palmer, Paradise, Parkerville, Parklands, Parryville, Paynedale, Peaceful Bay, Pelican Point, Petrudor, Piara Waters, Pickering Brook, Picton, Picton East, Piesse Brook, Pinjarra, Pithara, Preston Beach, Preston Settlement, Queenwood, Ranford, Ravenswood, Red Hill, Robinson, Roelands, Roleystone, Rudds Gully, Sawyers Valley, Scotsdale, Serpentine, Shadforth, South Greenough, South Yunderup, Southampton, Southern Brook, Stake Hill, Stirling Estate, Stoneville, Stratham, Sunnyside, Teesdale, The Lakes, The Plains, Thomson Brook, Throssell, Toodyay, Torbay, Torndirrup, Uduc, Upper Capel, Upper Swan, Vancouver Peninsula, Vittoria, Wagerup, Waggrakine, Walkaway, Walliston, Walmsley, Walpole, Wandering, Wandi, Warawarrup, Waroona, Warrenup, Waterloo, West Coolup, West Pinjarra, West Swan, West Toodyay, Whitby, White Peak, Wilberforce, William Bay, Williams, Willyung, Wokalup, Wongan Hills, Wooroloo, Wundowie, Wyening, Yabberup, Yakamia, Yarloop, Yornup
Abba River, Abbey, Acton Park, Ambergate, Anniebrook, Augusta, Balbarrup, Balladong, Boallia, Bobalong, Bovell, Bramley, Broadwater, Brookton, Broomehill East, Broomehill Village, Broomehill West, Burges, Burnside, Burran Rock, Busselton, Carbunup River, Chadwick, Chapman Hill, Cold Harbour, Cowaramup, Cranbrook, Daliak, Dandanning, Dartnall, Deanmill, Deepdene, Dingup, Dunsborough, East Augusta, East Pingelly, East Popanyinning, Elabbin, Ewlyamartup, Forest Grove, Forrest Beach, Frankland River, Gilgering, Glenoran, Gracetown, Gwambygine, Hithergreen, Jardee, Jindong, Kalgup, Kaloorup, Karridale, Katanning, Kealy, Kendenup, Kudardup, Kwelkan, Malebelling, Manjimup, Margaret River, Marybrook, Merredin, Metricup, Middlesex, Molloy Island, Monjingup, Moojebing, Moonies Hill, Mount Barker, Mount Hardey, Mukinbudin, Murdong, Nangeenan, Nannup, Narrikup, Naturaliste, Nokaning, North Jindong, Nungarin, Osmington, Palgarup, Pingelly, Pink Lake, Pinwernying, Popanyinning, Quedjinup, Quellington, Quindalup, Redgate, Reinscourt, Ringbark, Rosa Brook, Rosa Glen, Ruabon, Sabina River, Siesta Park, Sinclair, St Ronans, Talbot, Talgomine, Tambellup, Tenterden, Treeton, Vasse, Walsall, Wansbrough, West Beach, West Pingelly, Wilgoyne, Wilyabrup, Witchcliffe, Wonnerup, Woogenellup, Yallingup, Yallingup Siding, Yalyalup, Yelverton, Yoganup, Yoongarillup, York, Yornaning
This information is indicative in nature and should only be used as a guide. The completion date of upgrades in each suburb is subject to change. Not all premises in the suburbs listed will become eligible for nbn Fixed Wireless depending on the strength of the wireless signal that can be expected at the location.
List of upgrade areas in TAS
We are progressively upgrading the existing nbn® Fixed Wireless network. The following list shows where the upgrade works are 'complete' or ‘planned’.
- Complete - initial works are complete. Faster download speeds during the busy period now available
- Planned
Abbotsham, Abels Bay, Aberdeen, Acacia Hills, Acton Park, Alcomie, Allens Rivulet, Alonnah, Ambleside, Apollo Bay, Arthurs Lake, Bagdad, Bakers Beach, Barretta, Barrington, Bellingham, Berriedale, Birchs Bay, Black Hills, Black River, Blackmans Bay, Boat Harbour, Boat Harbour Beach, Boomer Bay, Bothwell, Boyer, Branxholm, Bream Creek, Bridgewater, Brighton, Broadmarsh, Broadmeadows, Brooks Bay, Bushy Park, Cairns Bay, Calder, Cambridge, Camdale, Camena, Campania, Campbell Town, Carlton, Carlton River, Castle Forbes Bay, Castra, Charlotte Cove, Chasm Creek, Christmas Hills, Collinsvale, Coningham, Connellys Marsh, Copping, Cowrie Point, Crabtree, Cradoc, Crayfish Creek, Cuckoo, Cuprona, Cygnet, Deep Bay, Dennes Point, Derby, Detention, Doctors Rocks, Dodges Ferry, Don, Dover, Dromedary, Dulcot, Dunalley, Dysart, Eaglehawk Neck, East Cam, East Devonport, East Ridgley, Edgcumbe Beach, Edith Creek, Eggs And Bacon Bay, Elderslie, Electrona, Ellendale, Elliott, Erriba, Eugenana, Fentonbury, Fern Tree, Fitzgerald, Flintstone, Flowerdale, Flowerpot, Forcett, Forest, Forth, Forthside, Franklin, Garden Island Creek, Gardners Bay, Gawler, Geeveston, Glaziers Bay, Glen Huon, Glendevie, Glenfern, Glenlusk, Glenora, Gordon, Granton, Grasstree Hill, Great Bay, Gretna, Grove, Gunns Plains, Hamilton, Harford, Hastings, Havenview, Hawley Beach, Hayes, Hellyer, Henrietta, Herrick, Heybridge, Highclere, Highcroft, Honeywood, Howden, Howrah, Howth, Huonville, Ida Bay, Irishtown, Jetsonville, Judbury, Kamona, Kaoota, Karanja, Kellevie, Kempton, Kettering, Killora, Kindred, Kingston, Koonya, Lachlan, Lapoinya, Latrobe, Lawitta, Legerwood, Leith, Lenah Valley, Leslie Vale, Liawenee, Lietinna, Lileah, Lillico, Longley, Lower Barrington, Lower Longley, Lower Snug, Lower Wattle Grove, Lower Wilmot, Lucaston, Lulworth, Lune River, Lymington, Macquarie Plains, Magra, Malbina, Mangalore, Margate, Marion Bay, Maydena, Meadowbank, Mella, Melrose, Melton Mowbray, Mengha, Middleton, Midway Point, Miena, Milabena, Molesworth, Montagu, Moogara, Mooreville, Moorleah, Moriarty, Mount Field, Mount Hicks, Mount Lloyd, Mount Rumney, Mountain River, Murdunna, Myalla, Nabageena, National Park, Natone, Neika, New Norfolk, Nicholls Rivulet, Nook, North Bruny, North Motton, North Scottsdale, Northdown, Nowhere Else, Nubeena, Nunamara, Oatlands, Old Beach, Oldina, Opossum Bay, Orielton, Otago, Ouse, Oyster Cove, Paloona, Parattah, Parkham, Pawleena, Pelverata, Penguin, Penna, Petcheys Bay, Pioneer, Pipers Brook, Pipers River, Plenty, Police Point, Pontville, Port Arthur, Port Huon, Port Latta, Port Sorell, Premaydena, Preolenna, Preston, Primrose Sands, Quoiba, Railton, Raminea, Randalls Bay, Ranelagh, Riana, Richmond, Ridgeway, Ridgley, Ringarooma, Rocky Cape, Roger River, Romaine, Rosegarland, Ross, Round Hill, Saltwater River, Sandfly, Sassafras, Satellite Island, Scopus, Scotchtown, Scottsdale, Seven Mile Beach, Shannon, Sheffield, Shorewell Park, Sisters Beach, Sisters Creek, Sloping Main, Smithton, Snug, Somerset, Sorell, Sorell Creek, South Arm, South Bruny, South Forest, South Hobart, South Riana, South Spreyton, South Springfield, Southport, Spalford, Sprent, Spreyton, Springfield, Squeaking Point, Stanley, Stowport, Strathblane, Sulphur Creek, Sunnyside, Surges Bay, Surveyors Bay, Table Cape, Talawa, Taranna, Tarleton, Tea Tree, Telita, Tewkesbury, Thirlstane, Tinderbox, Tods Corner, Tonganah, Tugrah, Tulendeena, Tyenna, Ulverstone, Upper Castra, Upper Natone, Upper Stowport, Upper Woodstock, Verona Sands, Waddamana, Waratah, Waterloo, Wattle Grove, Wattle Hill, Wesley Vale, West Mooreville, West Pine, West Ridgley, West Scottsdale, West Ulverstone, Westerway, Weymouth, White Beach, Wiltshire, Winnaleah, Wivenhoe, Woodbridge, Woodstock, Wynyard, Yolla
Badger Head, Bangor, Beaconsfield, Beaumaris, Beauty Point, Beechford, Bell Bay, Beulah, Bishopsbourne, Blackwall, Blackwood Creek, Bracknell, Breadalbane, Bridgenorth, Carrick, Caveside, Chudleigh, Clarence Point, Claude Road, Cluan, Coles Bay, Cornwall, Cranbrook, Cressy, Dairy Plains, Deloraine, Deviot, Devon Hills, Dilston, Dolphin Sands, Dunorlan, Elizabeth Town, Evandale, Exeter, Exton, Falmouth, Flowery Gully, Four Mile Creek, George Town, Glengarry, Golden Valley, Gravelly Beach, Gray, Greens Beach, Grindelwald, Hadspen, Hagley, Hillwood, Holwell, Karoola, Kayena, Kelso, Kimberley, Lalla, Lanena, Legana, Liffey, Lilydale, Loira, Longford, Low Head, Lower Turners Marsh, Meander, Merseylea, Mole Creek, Moltema, Montana, Mount Direction, Needles, Newnham, Nile, North Lilydale, Notley Hills, Oaks, Osmaston, Paradise, Perth, Poatina, Promised Land, Prospect, Quamby Bend, Quamby Brook, Red Hills, Reedy Marsh, Relbia, Riverside, Robigana, Rocherlea, Roland, Rosevale, Rosevears, Rowella, Scamander, Selbourne, Sidmouth, St Helens, St Leonards, St Marys, Staverton, Stoodley, Strahan, Swan Bay, Swan Point, Swansea, Toiberry, Travellers Rest, Trevallyn, Tunnel, Turners Marsh, Underwood, Waverley, Weegena, Weetah, West Kentish, Westbury, Western Creek, Western Junction, Westwood, White Hills, Whitemore, Wilmot, Windermere, Winkleigh, York Town, Youngtown
This information is indicative in nature and should only be used as a guide. The completion date of upgrades in each suburb is subject to change. Not all premises in the suburbs listed will become eligible for nbn Fixed Wireless depending on the strength of the wireless signal that can be expected at the location.
List of upgrade areas in SA
We are progressively upgrading the existing nbn® Fixed Wireless network. The following list shows where the upgrade works are 'complete' or ‘planned’.
- Complete - initial works are complete. Faster download speeds during the busy period now available
- Planned
Aldgate, Aldinga, Aldinga Beach, Allendale North, Alma, American Beach, American River, Andrews Farm, Angas Plains, Angaston, Angle Vale, Apamurra, Ardrossan, Ashbourne, Ashton, Australia Plains, Avoca Dell, Back Valley, Bagot Well, Bakara, Bald Hills, Balhannah, Ballast Head, Barabba, Barossa Goldfields, Basket Range, Baudin Beach, Bay Of Shoals, Beaumonts, Beetaloo Valley, Belvidere, Berri, Bethany, Bethel, Bibaringa, Biggs Flat, Birchmore, Birdwood, Black Hill, Black Point, Blakeview, Blanche Harbor, Blanchetown, Bletchley, Blewitt Springs, Bolto, Bookpurnong, Booleroo Centre, Bordertown, Bordertown South, Bowhill, Bradbury, Brenda Park, Brentwood, Bridgewater, Brinkley, Brown Beach, Brownlow Ki, Brukunga, Buchfelde, Buckingham, Buckland Park, Bugle Hut, Bugle Ranges, Bull Creek, Bundaleer North, Bungama, Burdett, Burton, Cadell, Callington, Calomba, Caloote, Calperum Station, Cambrai, Cannawigara, Cape Jervis, Carey Gully, Carrickalinga, Castambul, Caurnamont, Chaffey, Chain Of Ponds, Chandlers Hill, Chapel Hill, Charleston, Cherry Gardens, Chiton, Clarendon, Claypans, Clayton Bay, Cockatoo Valley, Commissariat Point, Concordia, Coobowie, Cooltong, Coonalpyn, Coonamia, Corny Point, Coromandel East, Coromandel Valley, Couch Beach, Cowirra, Crafers, Crescent, Cromer, Crystal Brook, Cudlee Creek, Culburra, Curramulka, Currency Creek, Cygnet River, Davenport, Daveyston, Dawesley, Deep Creek, Delamere, Dingabledinga, Direk, Dowlingville, Dublin, Dudley East, Dudley West, Dutton, Eba, Ebenezer, Echunga, Eden Valley, Edithburgh, Elwomple, Emu Bay, Encounter Bay, Ettrick, Eudunda, Evanston, Evanston Gardens, Evanston Park, Evanston South, Finniss, Fischer, Fisher, Five Miles, Flaxley, Flaxman Valley, Fords, Forest Range, Forreston, Forster, Frayville, Freeling, Gawler Belt, Gawler River, Gawler South, Gemmells, Georgetown, Gerard, Germein Bay, Gifford Hill, Gladstone, Glossop, Golden Heights, Good Hope Landing, Goolwa, Goolwa Beach, Goolwa North, Goolwa South, Gould Creek, Grace Plains, Green Hills Range, Greenbanks, Greenock, Greenways Landing, Gulnare, Gumeracha, Gurra Gurra, Hahndorf, Haines, Hamley Bridge, Hardwicke Bay, Harrogate, Hartley, Hawthorndene, Hay Flat, Hay Valley, Heathfield, Highland Valley, Hillier, Hindmarsh Island, Hindmarsh Valley, Holder, Holder Siding, Honiton, Hope Forest, Houghton, Huddleston, Humbug Scrub, Inglewood, Inman Valley, Ironbank, Island Beach, James Well, Jamestown, Jervois, Julanka Holdings, Jupiter Creek, Kalbeeba, Kangarilla, Kangaroo Flat, Kangaroo Head, Kanmantoo, Kanni, Kapunda, Karoonda, Kenton Valley, Kepa, Kersbrook, Keyneton, Kingscote, Kingsford, Kohinoor, Koolywurtie, Koonunga, Korunye, Krondorf, Kudla, Kuitpo, Lake Carlet, Lake Plains, Langhorne Creek, Langs Landing, Laura, Lenswood, Lewiston, Light Pass, Linwood, Littlehampton, Lobethal, Long Flat, Long Plains, Longwood, Lowbank, Lower Broughton, Lower Hermitage, Lower Inman Valley, Lower Light, Loxton, Loxton North, Lyndoch, Lyrup, Macclesfield, Macdonald Park, Magdala, Mallala, Mannum, Marananga, Marble Hill, Marion Bay, Markaranka, Marks Landing, Maslin Beach, Mcbean Pound, Mcharg Creek, Mclaren Flat, Mclaren Vale, Meadows, Melrose, Meningie, Meningie West, Menzies, Middle Beach, Middleton, Milang, Milendella, Millbrook, Minlaton, Minvalara, Mobilong, Moculta, Monarto, Monarto South, Monash, Montacute, Montarra, Monteith, Moppa, Morgan, Morphetts Flat, Mosquito Hill, Mount Barker, Mount Barker Junction, Mount Barker Springs, Mount Barker Summit, Mount Compass, Mount George, Mount Jagged, Mount Mckenzie, Mount Observation, Mount Pleasant, Mount Torrens, Mundic Creek, Mundulla, Mundulla West, Munno Para Downs, Munno Para West, Murbko, Murrawong, Murray Bridge, Murray Bridge East, Murray Bridge North, Murray Bridge South, Murray Town, Murtho, Muston, Mylor, Mypolonga, Myponga, Nain, Nairne, Napperby, Narrung, Nelshaby, Nepean Bay, New Residence, Nildottie, Normanville, North Cape, North West Bend, Northern Heights, Norton Summit, Nuriootpa, Nurom, Nurragi, Oakbank, Old Calperum, One Tree Hill, Onkaparinga Hills, Orroroo, Paechtown, Pages Flat, Paisley, Pallamana, Palmer, Paracombe, Parawa, Parham, Paringa, Paris Creek, Pata, Peep Hill, Pelican Lagoon, Pellaring Flat, Penfield, Penfield Gardens, Penneshaw, Penrice, Perponda, Peterborough, Petersville, Petwood, Pewsey Vale, Piccadilly, Pike River, Pine Point, Pinery, Pinkerton Plains, Pirie East, Point Pass, Point Souttar, Point Sturt, Point Turton, Poltalloch, Pompoota, Ponde, Pooginagoric, Pooginook, Port Augusta, Port Augusta West, Port Elliot, Port Flinders, Port Gawler, Port Germein, Port Julia, Port Moorowie, Port Paterson, Port Pirie South, Port Vincent, Port Willunga, Prospect Hill, Punyelroo, Purnong, Pyap, Pyap West, Qualco, Quorn, Ramco, Ramco Heights, Red Creek, Redbanks, Reeves Plains, Renmark, Renmark North, Renmark South, Renmark West, Risdon Park, Risdon Park South, Riverglen, Rockleigh, Rocky Gully, Rogues Point, Rosedale, Roseworthy, Rowland Flat, Salem, Sampson Flat, Sandergrove, Sandilands, Sandy Creek, Sapphiretown, Scott Creek, Second Valley, Sedan, Sellicks Beach, Sellicks Hill, Senior, Seppeltsfield, Sheaoak Flat, Shea-Oak Log, Silverton, Solomontown, Spectacle Lake, Springton, St Ives, St Johns, St Kilda, St Kitts, Stansbury, Stirling, Stirling North, Stockport, Stockwell, Stockyard Plain, Stone Hut, Stone Well, Strathalbyn, Stuart, Sultana Point, Summertown, Sunlands, Sunnybrae, Sunnydale, Sunnyside, Swan Reach, Swanport, Tailem Bend, Tanunda, Tarlee, Tatachilla, Taunton, Taylorville, Tea Tree Gully, Teal Flat, Telowie, Templers, Tepko, The Pines, The Range, Thompson Beach, Tintinara, Tolderol, Tooperang, Toora, Torrens Vale, Totness, Truro, Tungkillo, Two Wells, Uleybury, Upper Hermitage, Upper Sturt, Uraidla, Verdun, Victor Harbor, Vine Vale, Virginia, Vista, Waikerie, Waitpinga, Walker Flat, Wall Flat, Walloway, Waltowa, Wami Kata, Wappilka, Ward Belt, Warnertown, Warooka, Wasleys, Waterloo Corner, Wattle Flat, Wauraltee, Webb Beach, Weeroona Island, Wellington, Wellington East, West Bundaleer, White Hill, White Hut, White Sands, Whites Valley, Wild Horse Plains, Williamstown, Willow Banks, Willow Creek, Willunga, Willunga Hill, Willunga South, Willyaroo, Wilmington, Windsor, Winkie, Wirrabara, Wirrina Cove, Wisanger, Wistow, Wolseley, Wongulla, Wonuarra, Woodchester, Woodlane, Woodleigh, Woods Point, Woodside, Wool Bay, Woolsheds, Wynarka, Yankalilla, Yattalunga, Yongala, Yorketown, Younghusband, Younghusband Holdings, Yundi, Zadows Landing
Agery, Alford, Allendale East, Andrews, Armagh, Arno Bay, Arthurton, Auburn, Avenue Range, Balaklava, Balgowan, Barinia, Barmera, Barunga Gap, Beachport, Binnum, Blackfellows Caves, Bluff Beach, Blyth, Boconnoc Park, Boors Plain, Boston, Bowillia, Bowmans, Brinkworth, Brooker, Bungaree, Burrungule, Bute, Butler, Cadgee, Cape Douglas, Caroline, Carpenter Rocks, Caveton, Ceduna, Ceduna Waters, Chinaman Wells, Clare, Clements Gap, Cleve, Clinton, Clinton Centre, Cobdogla, Cockaleechie, Coffin Bay, Collinsfield, Compton, Condowie, Coomunga, Coonawarra, Cortlinye, Coulta, Cross Roads, Cummins, Cunliffe, Cunningham, Dalkey, Denial Bay, Dismal Swamp, Duck Ponds, East Moonta, Edillilie, Eight Mile Creek, Emu Flat, Erith, Everard Central, Farrell Flat, Fountain, German Creek, Giles Corner, Gillentown, Glenburnie, Glencoe, Glenroy, Goyder, Green Patch, Hacklins Corner, Halbury, Hamley, Hart, Haslam, Hatherleigh, Hawson, Hill River, Hope Gap, Hoskin Corner, Hoyleton, Hynam, Jericho, Jerusalem, Kadina, Kainton, Kalangadoo, Kellidie Bay, Kimba, Kingston On Murray, Kongorong, Koolunga, Koorine, Kooroona, Koppio, Krongart, Kulpara, Kybunga, Kybybolite, Laurie Park, Leasingham, Little Douglas, Lochaber, Lochiel, Louth Bay, Loveday, Lucindale, Maaoupe, Maitland, Manoora, Mayfield, Melton, Merriton, Mil-Lel, Millicent, Mingbool, Mintaro, Moerlong, Monbulla, Moonta, Moonta Bay, Moonta Mines, Moorak, Moorook, Moorook South, Moseley, Mount Dutton Bay, Mount Gambier, Mount Light, Mount Schank, Moyhall, Mundoora, Nalyappa, Nangwarry, Naracoorte, Narridy, Nene Valley, New Town, Ninnes, North Beach, North Moonta, North Shields, North Yelta, Ob Flat, Overland Corner, Owen, Paramatta, Parsons Beach, Paskeville, Pearlah, Pelican Point, Penola, Penwortham, Pleasant Park, Point Boston, Point Pearce, Polish Hill River, Poonindie, Port Broughton, Port Hughes, Port Lincoln, Port Macdonnell, Port Neill, Port Rickaby, Port Victoria, Port Wakefield, Price, Racecourse Bay, Redhill, Rendelsham, Rhynie, Riverton, Rocky Camp, Saddleworth, Saints, Salter Springs, Sebastopol, Sevenhill, Smoky Bay, Snowtown, Solomon, South Kilkerran, Southend, Spalding, Spring Farm, Spring Gully, Square Mile, Stanley, Stanley Flat, Stewart Range, Stockyard Creek, Streaky Bay, Sunnyvale, Suttontown, Tarpeena, Thomas Plain, Thrington, Tiatukia, Tickera, Tootenilla, Trihi, Tulka, Tumby Bay, Undalya, Verran, Wallaroo, Wallaroo Mines, Wallaroo Plain, Wandana, Wandearah East, Wandilo, Wangary, Wanilla, Warburto, Ward Hill, Washpool, Watchman, Watervale, Weetulta, Wepar, Whites River, Whitwarta, Wild Dog Valley, Willamulka, Winulta, Wokurna, Woolshed Flat, Worrolong, Yacka, Yahl, Yallunda Flat, Yeelanna, Yelta, Yinkanie, Yorke Valley
This information is indicative in nature and should only be used as a guide. The completion date of upgrades in each suburb is subject to change. Not all premises in the suburbs listed will become eligible for nbn Fixed Wireless depending on the strength of the wireless signal that can be expected at the location.
List of upgrade areas in NT
We are progressively upgrading the existing nbn® Fixed Wireless network. The following list shows where the upgrade works are 'complete' or ‘planned’.
- Complete - initial works are complete. Faster download speeds during the busy period now available
- Planned
Acacia Hills, Bees Creek, Berry Springs, Blackmore, Collett Creek, Coolalinga, Darwin River, Fly Creek, Freds Pass, Girraween, Herbert, Holtze, Howard Springs, Hughes, Humpty Doo, Lambells Lagoon, Livingstone, Lloyd Creek, Mcminns Lagoon, Noonamah, Southport, Tumbling Waters, Virginia, Wagait Beach, Weddell
Coming soon
This information is indicative in nature and should only be used as a guide. The completion date of upgrades in each suburb is subject to change. Not all premises in the suburbs listed will become eligible for nbn Fixed Wireless depending on the strength of the wireless signal that can be expected at the location.