In most cases, granny flats that share the same address as the primary residence on a block of land cannot apply for a new nbn® network connection – each connection must be linked to a unique address.
To connect granny flats to the nbn network, you may need to extend your existing connection from the primary residence – by either extending the signal of your local Wi-Fi network, or by installing an additional service through a registered cabler.
Things to consider:
- If you’re in the process of applying for a new address (i.e. sub-dividing one address into two or more lots), and would like to connect it to the nbn network, then you should apply as a new development.
- Your provider may be able to assist you with an additional service. Be sure to discuss your plans with your provider before commencing any work as additional services may incur extra charges or require specific requirements.
- All customer cabling must be performed by a registered cabler using the nbn standards and guidelines.
- To make the most of your internet connection optimise your experience at home.
Register your unrecognised address with a provider
If your address doesn’t appear when you check your address, or if you would like to request an additional connection on a property with more than one residence on it, you’ll need to contact a phone and internet provider. The provider will contact nbn to assist in making these changes.
As part of the process, your provider may request information such as the coordinates of the property you wish to connect, and proof that the property is occupied.