Installing cabling and cable pathways will enable property owners to choose where to place their nbn® connection box and Wi-Fi router, to help improve connectivity and data speeds within the premises.
The planning and placement of your new cabling and cable pathways will vary depending on the nbn technology connecting the property.
Before installation, it's worth checking if you have safety-critical devices such as medical alarms, fire alarms and lift emergency phones that may not work when connected to the nbn network. You should contact your safety device or equipment provider for more information^.
Contact a registered cabler
In most circumstances, registered cablers are required to install new cabling and cable pathways at a home or business. A list of registered cablers can be found at the Australian Registered Cablers website*.
Information for registered cablers
When installing cabling and cable pathways, registered cablers should follow these steps.
Additional considerations
In addition to the in-home cabling, some registered cablers may be asked by developers or builders to undertake other cabling work to help in the development of the nbn access network. This might include Lead-in Conduit (LIC), pit and pipe, and pathways.
Information about how to install these street connections can be found in our build process section about new property developments.
For any changes to in-home cabling, you can still refer to the nbn cabling guidelines on this page.
If you have a planned demolition and require nbn supplied equipment to be removed (such as a connection box, associated cables and other equipment), visit the Modifying nbn infrastructure page and complete the application form. Someone from the Relocation Works team will be in contact to help provide you with assistance and to inform you of any associated costs to complete the work.
Renovations or demolition may require the modification or relocation of nbn access network cables and equipment. You are not authorised to remove, alter or modify any nbn network equipment, however you may be able to engage a registered cabler to complete this work under nbn’s Authority to Alter guidelines. nbn would need to recover from you the cost of any damage or alteration to nbn network equipment which you or your contractors do which is not authorised, agreed and paid for under a Relocation Works arrangement referred to above.
Please note: nbn does not provide accreditation for the companies listed on this website (or other companies who may be capable of providing the services), nor should the inclusion of a link on this website be construed as an endorsement from nbn.
The rollout of the nbn access network will involve new technologies, and some existing devices including many medical alarms, may not be compatible with these at all times. You should contact your equipment provider to find out if your alarm or other equipment will work when connected to the nbn access network and what alternative solutions are available. For more information, visit