Introducing the Co-Development Program
The Co-Development Program was established to identify alignment between nbn's planned construction and third-party construction projects. The process allows both nbn and the third-parties to actively engage with each other for the purpose of early identification and to leverage viable common build activities to help save on cost and minimise disruption for communities.
If a local government or property developer has plans to construct new infrastructure or the road authorities have planned road works, nbn could investigate whether or not installing nbn conduits and pits at the same time is possible, where feasible. This may achieve shared efficiencies while minimising the impact and cost for the community.
Potential projects for co-development may include:
- Road works
- Works around rail corridors
- Construction of major sites
- Upgrades on communication assets
- Utility works
- Footpath works
- Cycleway construction
Typical co-development construction process
How it works
Projects will be assessed against criteria set by nbn to determine whether the project aligns with the nbn® broadband access network construction plans. Importantly the project must be within the national rollout area.
Applicants are encouraged to register their interest early by submitting a completed co-development project form. The proposed third-party project will then be assessed at nbn’s soles discretion before proceeding with discussions of a co-development.