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Mackay switches on to the National Broadband Network

14 August 2013

Fibre and fixed-wireless services available to 4,300 homes and businesses across the Mackay-Whitsunday Region     


The National Broadband Network is up and running in Mackay and the wider the Mackay-Whitsunday Region with services covering more than 4,300 homes and businesses.

At a ceremony at Bluewater Quay, the superfast fibre network was switched on for the first 1,550 homes and businesses in the city.

A further 11,300 premises are set to benefit in the coming months with construction having commenced in Bakers Creek, East Mackay, Paget, Racecourse, South Mackay and West Mackay.

In addition, the NBN is also now available to 2,800 homes, farms and businesses across the Mackay–Whitsunday Region via the NBN high-speed fixed-wireless network.

Wholesale speeds available over the NBN fixed-wireless service have more than doubled from 12 megabits per second to 25 megabits per second. Rural communities in the region that are set to benefit include:





Alligator Creek


Kelsey Creek

Rita Island



Laguna Quays


Armstrong Beach

Glen Isla


Sarina Beach


Grasstree Beach


Mount Julian


Hamilton Plains




“As the world goes digital, the NBN is a great way to ensure all Australians can get access to world class broadband, no matter where they live,” said Sandra Harding, Vice Chancellor of James Cook University and a member of Broadband for the Tropics Committee.

“The NBN enables families and businesses to have multiple people online at the same time - working, video conferencing or simply watching TV over the internet without the slowdowns.*

NBN Co Stakeholder Relations Manager Joe Dennis urged eligible residents to make the switch.

“The NBN is about more than speed,” Mr Dennis said.

“Phone and internet providers have equal access to the network and NBN Co's wholesale prices are the same in the city as they are in the bush. That is helping to foster real competition among providers and that helps drive affordable retail prices for families.”

NBN fibre construction is planned to commence or be complete for 934,300 Queensland premises by mid-2016^. The entire NBN rollout is due to be completed by 2021.

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MEDIA INQUIRIES:                  

Peta Fitzgerald

0410 609 201      


Press Office

02 9213 2322



  • Eligible residents can order an NBN service from a range of phone and internet service providers
  • Follow the NBN rollout at
  • NBN Co does not charge consumers for a standard installation of NBN equipment in a home or business. Consumers should speak to their service provider to see if they have any other charges such as set up or activation fees. All homes and businesses within the fibre footprint will ultimately need to access voice and internet services over the NBN as existing landline phone, ADSL internet and Telstra and Optus cable internet services are progressively switched off. For a list of existing services in fibre-covered areas that are not replaced by the NBN visit or call on 1800 687 626

*        End user experience including the speeds actually achieved over the NBN depends on some factors outside our control like equipment quality, software, broadband plans and how their service provider designs its network.

^     Construction commenced means that NBN Co has issued contract instruction to its construction partners, so they can commence work on the detailed design, field inspections and rodding / roping activities in an area.

  • The Fixed-Wireless service uses the same 4G technology currently being rolled out for mobile networks. However unlike mobile networks where the number of users in the cell varies, and performance changes depending on the distance from the base station, the NBN Co service is designed to serve a fixed number of premises in an area. In fixed wireless areas copper phone lines will remain in place as an option to provide a telephone service. 
Fibre Service Area


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Mackay switches on to the National Broadband Network

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