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nbn observes the caretaker conventions related to the upcoming Federal Election. During the Caretaker Period, nbn will apply these conventions while continuing business-as-usual operations of the company.


Complete the pre-qualification questionnaire required to gain access to nbn® business planning information in order to sell services on the nbn® network.

Information Agreement

The Information Agreement works as a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), which could allow a company direct access to key nbn® business planning information. The company must complete the pre-qualification questionnaire to assess whether they qualify to enter into the Information Agreement.

This agreement is designed to facilitate the disclosure of information to certain categories of phone or internet providers who meet nbn's criteria outlined in the pre-qualification questionnaire.

Not yet selling services?

If a company is planning on selling services on the nbn network to its customers, then the Information Agreement will help bring them up to speed on nbn’s activities. It is designed to help with the decision to become a provider prior to signing the Wholesale Broadband Agreement (WBA).

To see if your company qualifies for the Information Agreement, please complete the pre-qualification questionnaire below.

Pre-qualification questionnaire

After completion of the questionnaire, a member of the nbn® Sales Team will be in contact to determine if you are eligible to receive nbn business planning information.

Information Requests

On written request by your business*, we may provide additional information regarding specific aspects of our products, activities or services. This additional information may constitute Confidential Information under the Wholesale Broadband Agreement (WBA), the Satellite Wholesale Broadband Agreement, the Test Agreement and/or any other confidentiality agreement entered into between your business and nbn as a condition of providing the information.

* To make a request of this type, a business must be either: (1) a Telecommunications Act provider that has entered into the Wholesale Broadband Agreement (or another access agreement) with nbn; or (2) a Telecommunications Act provider that: (i) has not yet entered into a Wholesale Broadband Agreement (or other access agreement) with nbn but is proposing to do so; or (ii) wants access to, or is proposing to make a request for the supply of a declared service over the nbn network under the Wholesale Broadband Agreement (or other access agreement); and (iii) has (or is prepared to where required by nbn) signed an appropriate non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement with nbn for the purposes of the provision of the information.