nbn signs on delivery partners to deploy HFC network at scale
Key points:
- nbn signs Multi-technology Integrated Master Agreements (MIMAs) with Delivery Partners
- The agreements enable the construction of the nbn™ network to homes and businesses in the Telstra HFC footprint
- Six Delivery Partners announced following a competitive contract sourcing process: Lend Lease, Broadspectrum, Fulton Hogan, Downer, ISGM and BSA
nbn has today signed contracts with six Delivery Partners to deliver the nbn™ network to homes and businesses across the Telstra HFC footprint within Australia.
Following a multi-stage contract sourcing process, nbn has appointed Lend Lease, Broadspectrum, Fulton Hogan, Downer, ISGM and BSA to carry out the construction of the nbn™ network across the Telstra HFC footprint. In June, nbn launched its HFC product on the former Optus network in Redcliffe QLD, with customers now joining the nbn™ network on the final MTM technology.
The deployment of the nbn™ network within the Telstra HFC footprint leverages the existing Telstra cable-TV network to the premises, enabling the network to be deployed quickly and cost effectively. Premises will be primarily connected to nbn’s upgraded HFC technology, however, they will also be connected via deployment of a multi-technology mix (MTM) solution.
nbn Chief Network Engineering Officer Peter Ryan said: “The nbn™ network is now available to more than 2.9 million homes and businesses around Australia. With this additional work from our Delivery Partners the HFC network will be deployed at scale to enable nbn to meet its 2020 targets.
“With this process we have ensured the most appropriate Delivery Partners are doing the work. They have enormous experience in construction in the telecommunications industry which will help us roll it out faster.
“Under the HFC Delivery Agreement announced in April 2016, Telstra will manage the MIMA Delivery Partners in the construction of the network within the Telstra HFC footprint. Telstra’s management of the MIMA Delivery Partners will be undertaken in close consultation with nbn,” said Mr Ryan.
Fast broadband is now being made available across the country through the HFC network and we encourage people to check their address on the nbn website. The HFC network will deliver wholesale speeds up to 100Mbps download and 40Mbps upload.
Media enquiries
Tony Brown |
Dan Holland |
Phone: +61 409 673 843 |
Phone: +61 429 364 299 |
Email: tonybrown@nbnco.com.au |
Email: danholland@nbnco.com.au |
Notes to editors
nbn and Telstra HFC Delivery Agreement (announced April 2016)
- In April 2016, Telstra signed the HFC Delivery Agreement (HFCDA) with nbn to provide planning, design, construction and construction management services within the Telstra HFC footprint.
- Following on from that, these MIMA contracts are the arrangements under which Delivery Partners will undertake field construction activities in the Telstra HFC Footprint under the management of Telstra, in close consultation with nbn.
- The HFC Delivery Agreement (HFCDA) complements and streamlines the existing arrangements nbn has with Telstra, meaning a faster rollout so that that all RSPs have earlier non-discriminatory access to the nbn™ network thereby promoting competition in downstream retail markets.
- Once the build is completed, it will be handed to nbn for operation. Telstra will be required to adhere to nbn planning and design requirements which are designed to ensure the delivery of open access layer two bitstream services to all RSPs as soon as possible. Telstra’s role will be limited to engineering, design, some construction, procurement and construction management. Decisions regarding the release of footprint for sale, product development, and the provision of information about the rollout will continue to be matters for nbn.
- nbn and Telstra have pre-existing and additionally agreed measures to address potential concerns about Telstra’s roles as both a customer of nbn and its role under the HFCDA.
nbn and Telstra Definitive Agreements
- In 2011, nbn and Telstra signed the initial Definitive Agreements for the use of existing Telstra infrastructure and the migration of former wholesale customers from Telstra’s legacy network to the nbn™ network, with payments progressively scheduled as the new services were activated.
- In 2014, the nbn and Definitive Agreements were amended to allow nbn to access and progressively acquire existing Telstra network infrastructure to enable the deployment of the multi-technology mix as required.
- These amendments in 2014 did not change the overall value of the Definitive Agreements with Telstra.
For more information, visit www.nbn.com.au