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NBN Co to accelerate higher speed tiers and launch multi-gigabit speeds in September 2025

05 September 2024

NBN Co today confirmed that it will accelerate the wholesale download and upload speeds on its three highest speed residential wholesale products and make them available to participating internet retailers from 14 September 2025.

The accelerated, high-speed wholesale products will be available to internet retailers to sell to eligible residential and business customers connected to the nbn® network via Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) or Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) technology from September 2025. The timing of when these upgrades will be offered to customers will be at the discretion of participating retail service providers (RSPs).

NBN Co will accelerate its popular nbn Home Fast wholesale product from 100/20 Megabits per second (Mbps) to deliver five times faster wholesale download speeds of 500/50 Mbps1.

It will triple the wholesale download speed and double the upload speed of its nbn Home Superfast wholesale product, accelerating it from 250/25 Mbps to 750/50 Mbps1.

And it will double the wholesale upload speed of the nbn Home Ultrafast wholesale product from 500 to ~1000/50 Mbps to ~1000/100 Mbps1.

Customers can check if they are eligible to upgrade to nbn Home Fast, Home Superfast or Home Ultrafast by entering their home or business address on nbn’s website home page.

Customers that have already purchased one of these higher speed tiers, or upgrade at any time in the future, will automatically accelerate to the new, faster speeds when the accelerated plans are made available by participating retailers.

After commencing its initial consultation with internet retailers, NBN Co took on feedback and brought forward discussions on the development and launch of new ‘hyper-fast’ residential and business products.

NBN Co has responded to several retailers’ requests to deliver multi-gigabit wholesale download speeds sooner rather than later and will begin offering wholesale download speeds of 2 Gigabits per second (Gbps) from 14 September 2025.

The new products will be available to eligible customers connected to the nbn network via FTTP and HFC.

The new nbn Home Hyperfast1,2 residential speed tier will be available in two variants with wholesale speeds of 2,000/200 Mbps available to customers connected to the network via FTTP, and wholesale speeds of 2,000/100 Mbps2 available to customers connected to the network via HFC.

NBN Co has considered the detailed feedback it has received from retailers on its proposals to accelerate its three highest residential speed tiers and launch new, 2 Gbps wholesale speed tiers1,2. The company will enable the simultaneous launch of all new, accelerated speed tiers in September 2025 to allow all retail providers a reasonable opportunity to make the enhancements available to their customers.

Today’s announcement follows six months of detailed consultation with retailers, with their collective feedback used to inform the development of the new products and timing for launch.

Anna Perrin, Chief Customer Officer at NBN Co, said:

“Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the invaluable feedback we received from retailers throughout our very detailed consultation on accelerating our wholesale high-speed products.

“We are listening, and we thank retailers for the work they have undertaken to get us to this important announcement today – and the amount of time, effort and investment that will be required from retailers to bring these exciting, new, high-speed services to market.

“We have extended fibre and upgraded our Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) network capabilities in hundreds of communities across Australia. From September 2025, more than 9 million premises will be eligible to access the highest residential speed tiers from nbn.

“The multi-billion-dollar fibre upgrade program and launch of accelerated speed tiers are designed to lift Australia’s digital capabilities, unlocking social and economic opportunities across the nation.

“Australians are consuming more data than ever before and faster, higher-capacity broadband supports more high- and super-high-definition video streaming and video conferencing, and smoother and lower-latency gaming, particularly when multiple devices are connected simultaneously.

“The network upgrades and accelerated wholesale speed tiers aim to make Australia ‘future-ready’ for the myriad applications that are on the horizon, including the anticipated rise of Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.”

Wholesale prices for accelerated speed tiers

There are no changes to the nbn wholesale pricing of these speed tiers arising from the speed increases. Independent to the speed increases initiative, nbn’s prices will continue to be reviewed annually in accordance with the Special Access Undertaking (SAU) price controls (which are linked to CPI) with indicative prices for FY26 and FY27 set out in the current three-year SAU Pricing Roadmap published on nbn’s website. The annual price changes for FY26 will be released when nbn publishes the FY26 tariff list on 1 May 2025.

The FY26 indicative wholesale price for nbn Home Fast is $58.93, nbn Home Superfast is $63.93 and nbn Home Ultrafast is $73.933.

nbn Home Hyperfast products will be made available to internet retailers for a wholesale price of $115 per month.

Accelerated products for business customers

NBN Co will launch a range of accelerated wholesale broadband products specifically designed for small, medium-sized and enterprise businesses.

In September 2025, the company will launch a new 2000/500 Mbps1,2 wholesale product with Business Service Pro included, which offers a Service Level Agreement (SLA) to investigate and work to resolve any unplanned network outages or faults within four hours.

From September 2025, the company will reduce the effective wholesale price of its 250/100 Mbps plus Essentials package, which includes an SLA to investigate and work to resolve any unplanned network outages or faults within 12 hours4. The indicative FY26 price from September 2025 is $61.933.

From September 2025, the company will also reduce the effective wholesale price of its 500/200 Mbps plus Pro package and ~1000/400 Mbps1 plus Pro package. The indicative FY26 price from September 2025 is $76.50 for the 500/200 Mbps product and $91.93 for the ~1000/400 Mbps1 product. Both Pro products include an SLA to investigate and work to resolve any unplanned network outages or faults within four hours4.

Business customers that order the new 2 Gbps product and Business Service Pro will receive an upgrade to a new, four-port Network Termination Device.

Additional value for Enterprise Ethernet customers

The company continues to enhance its service offering across its Enterprise portfolio and today confirmed that it will align the September launch of accelerated higher speed tier plans with reductions in its wholesale prices for enterprise and medium-sized corporate customers.

It will provide symmetrical Enterprise Ethernet speed tiers of 500 Mbps and above with its highest level of service – Premium 4 (24/7) – at no extra wholesale charge. The change is designed to align the wholesaler’s service offerings between Enterprise Ethernet and Business Fibre Plans over nbn Ethernet, as requested by RSPs.

The company has committed to reduce the effective wholesale prices on higher bandwidths. In doing so, nbn will simplify its products by flattening wholesale pricing to highlight the tiers in the table below5.

Enterprise Ethernet bandwidth (Mbps) 1st June Price
CoS Low
Proposed Price
CoS Low
500/500 $325 $300
1,000/1,000 (1G UNI) $500 $450
2,000/2,000 $680 $550
5,000/5,000 $939 $750
10,000/10,000 $1,293 $1,000

The new Enterprise Ethernet pricing and enhanced service offering will be available to new services and existing services whose minimum term has expired (or which were never subject to a minimum term).


1 nbn provides wholesale services and not all providers offer plans based on the full range of nbn services. An end customer’s experience, including speeds actually achieved, depends on some factors outside nbn’s control (like equipment quality, software, and how a retail service provider designs its network) and the nbn technology used for the connection. Home Ultrafast: Regardless of the retail service an end customer purchases, the actual wholesale speeds delivered will be less than 1000 Mbps due to equipment and network limitations.

2 The availability of these speed tiers is subject to the capacity within each individual HFC segment or FTTP PON port reflected in the service qualification function (and may affect RSPs’ ability to place an order).

3 The prices for FY26 are indicative and non-binding, subject to the application of the TC-4 Relativity Restriction in the SAU Variation.

4 The fault restoration times described are where no site visit is required. Fault rectification time may vary depending on the location of the premises; and all times refer to what we offer to providers – which may differ to what times they offer end customers.

5 The actual maximum wholesale download speeds delivered to service providers will be less than 10,000 Mbps (or in some cases less than 1,000 Mbps if that is the bandwidth acquired), due to equipment and network limitations. The experience, including the speeds achieved, depends on some factors outside nbn’s control (like customer equipment quality, software, and how each service provider designs its network). For Enterprise Ethernet connections, if Class of Service High has not been chosen, speeds may be affected by contention on the nbn® network, particularly in busy periods.

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