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The best connected gifts for the digital dad

Technology is transforming the Father's Day gift registry. Take a look at five of the coolest connected gift ideas for that special guy in our lives.

Aside from their role in our creation, we have many reasons to thank our dads for their contribution to our lives.

Often playing the role of driving instructor, renovator, toy repairer, master barbeque chef, sports coach, tutor and Santa, they would have to be one of the most agile and adaptable creatures on earth - which can be a tough gig when you often “don’t get it” or are a  source of embarrassment to kids, and no-one finds your jokes funny.

Father’s Day is our opportunity to make good to dad, so we’re taking a look at five of the coolest connected gift ideas for that special guy in our lives.

For the dad with a green thumb: The connected lawn mower

Whether your dad has a green thumb, loves the look of a freshly trimmed turf, or loves the smell of fresh cut grass, there is always a bit of work involved in maintaining a patch of grass. 

 Robotic lawn mower for the dad with a green thumb. Photo courtesy:

For decades, engineers and greenskeepers around the world have been working on ways to simplify, automate and revolutionise the lawn cutting process. 

The future is here – meet the connected mower. This device lets dad to not only program cut lengths, but schedule cutting times, trim designs and patterns, view the progress in real time – from anywhere in the world via a connected device.

Check out: Abrogio L400, Bosch Indego

For the dad whose best friend has four legs and a tail: Smart pet accessories.

There is a small population of dads who could quite possibly love their pet more than their children.

This could be based upon companionship, the fact that the four-legged friends are always happy to see him, or potentially bring him more enjoyment than his own children. 

Perfect gift for the dog-loving dad. Photo courtesy:

Whatever the reason, man’s best friend now has access to some of man’s greatest gadgets. From GPS collars, to puppy cams and activity tags, pet tech generated the biggest buzz at the Consumer Electronics Show 2015 and for a good reason – it’s really, really cool!

Check out: Motorola Binatone Pet Monitors, Whistle, Wonderwoof

For the fishing dad: Wireless fish finders

Sick of hearing about the one that got away? If your dad loves to sink a line, but often returns home without the catch of the day, you now have the opportunity to take his angling game to the next level – enter wireless fish-finders. 

Finding fish? There's an app for that. Photo courtesy:

Sure, fish-finders have been around for decades – helping amateur and professional fishermen find and land fish, but these often require a boat. With a variety of cast-able designs available, wireless fish finders sync to a smartphone and are sure to add fact to dad’s fishing fiction, improve his catch rate, and therefore,  overall happiness.

Check out: iBobber, Wi-Fish

For the DIY Dad: DIY “Internet of Things” kits.

It is a known fact that all dadswill perform some form of DIY activity at some stage throughout their tenure as “man of the house”. Some deliver a good final result, others’ strengths lie in seeking out and researching their next project. 

DIY dads have never had it this good! Photo courtesy:

Independent of what type your dad is, the ultimate present for any tinkering father is a DIY “Internet of Things’ kit.

This will allow any dad to apply their ingenuity in the most connected way possible – building a gadget, and connecting it to the internet.

This could involve automating an air-conditioning unit, connecting a gadget that disables home wi-fi when children swear, or sync their coffee machine to their smart phone - brewing the perfect cup of Joe as his morning alarm goes off - the limit of applications solely depends on your dad’s imagination.

Check out: littleBits Smart Home Kit, Arduino Starter Kit

Benjamin Mulligan is the Social Media Manager at nbn

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