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Jill Bottrall

Jill Bottrall

Jill Bottrall was formerly Manager, nbn Local SA at NBN Co.

She began her career as a newspaper and radio journalist based in Central Australia, Sydney, Darwin and Melbourne. She spent 23 years working in Government and Opposition in Victoria and South Australia, 17 years of which was as senior media adviser and Deputy Chief of Staff to former SA Premier Mike Rann. She devised and managed the Government’s strategic media campaigns for the 2006 and 2010 State elections. As a policy adviser, she managed several key portfolios for the Premier including defence, Federal/State relations (COAG), the arts, tourism and major events, higher education and transport, which included developing and writing key policy papers. 

In the four years prior to joining NBN Co, she operated her own consultancy that specialised in strategic communications, government relations and lobbying. She was a regular commentator on politics and current affairs for radio and TV and an irregular blogger.

Jill's stories