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nbn statement: 30 August 2017

30 August 2017

The following statement is in regard to Telstra’s request for nbn's consent to monetise a portion of its future payments from nbn.

nbn gave serious consideration to Telstra’s proposal but does not believe it is in the best interests of nbn.

nbn believes that the monetisation may create long-term impediments to future decision-making capability of nbn.

nbn has been charged with building a national broadband network and works in partnership with Telstra and industry, and in accordance with Federal Government policy.

Thanks in part to a strong working relationship with Telstra, the company is making significant progress in its delivery of the nbn™ network in a fast changing telecommunications market which will evolve rapidly over the coming years.

nbn is not prepared to accept the reduced flexibility in unforeseen revisions to our existing agreements. The risk is difficult to quantify but our primary responsibility is to protect the interest of our investors, the Australian tax payers.


Media enquiries

Tony Brown

Phone: 0409 673 843